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There's another update, I don't have a lot to say. I will try to get the next update out soon, but Idk when it will be I hope you like. Enjoy and all rights to the creators of Jurassic World/Park I only own my characters which are Jaycee, Jordanna, Stella, and Ashly.  Also, I had just realized this wasn't published it was supposed to be published on Monday 2/18/18 and I just I didn't; sorry about that, but Enjoy. 



Stella POV: 

We soon arrived at a restricted area that only the works can go to. It was a like a big box with several catwalks around it. We get out of the car with Jay in the lead, we could hear the sounds raptors make and a clicker. I look up to see a man throwing rats down into the box, "come with me." Jay said as we walked up the stairs and stood on the sides. I looked down to see 4 raptors, as they munched on dead rats. "Go." the guy on the catwalk said as he put his arm down. As soon as the Raptors were gone an African American man walked to the first guy and bro-hugged him in excitement "I'll be right back." Jay said before she walked over to the two men and said "Owen you did it." she then hugged both of the men.  

Jaycee POV:

I walked over to Owen and Barry and said: "Owen you did it."  I walked to them and hugged them both. "You finally did it, man," Barry said to him as we looking down into the enclosure "Own!" a voice was heard a bit of a distance, I looked over to see Hoskins walked towards us "I was thinking I hired the wrong guy but, damn you got them eating out of your palm," Hoskins said as he walked across the catwalk to us. "You came on a good day. It's not usually a happy ending." Owen told him "Is that why you're not sending in your reports?" Hoskin as Owen as they shook hands "We've been busy." Barry told him "Not to busy to cash your paychecks." Hoskins said while doing a weird move towards Barry "What you need, bubby?" Owen asked Hoskins getting the point of why Hoskins is really here. "A field test," he said, I just looked at him like he crazy. Owen then started to walk away and pulled me along by my right hand "Hey. I've just seen they can respond to commands." Hoskins started as he followed us "We need to take the research and get it on its feet." "These are wild animals, Hoskins." Owen started to say as he squeezed my hand as I walked behind the two men. "Trust me you don't want them in the field." "I just saw a bond. A real bond." Hoskins said as he got in front of us to stop us from walking "Between man and Beast." "You're in our way." Owen said to Hoskins "Come on. We're the same. We're wars of dogs. We know that the military needs to reduce casualties." Hoskin said to Owen "Some people think that the robots are the future." Owen then started to walk away again and pull me along with him. "Look, nature gave us the more efficient killing machines 75 million years ago," Hoskins said as he followed us again. "And now we know they can take orders." Hoskins put his arm around Owen's shoulders causing him to let go of my hand. Owen then turns around to face Hoskin as Barry comes over. "We finally make progress and that's the first thing he says?" Barry asked, "Make a weapon?" "Shit. Come on gents." Hoskins stated as we started to walk again. "It's grown-up time. Drones can't search tunnels and caves. And they're hackable.  The minute a real war breaks out, all the fancy tech is gonna go dark." "Yeah but the tech is not gonna eat them if they forget to feed it," I stated from my spot behind Owen and next to Barry. "Look at these creatures," Hoskins said as we stare down into the enclosure "They've got millions of years of instinct in their cells, the instinct that we can program," Hoskin stated as I stood next to Owen. I looked up to see both Jordanna and Stella on the catwalk that goes across the enclosure as they stare down at the Raptors below. Stella looks amazed as Jordanna takes pictures with her phone. "Their loyalty cannot be bought." Hoskins said as we continued to look down  "These guys are gonna run straight into the enemy's teeth and eat them, belt buckle and all." "What if they decide they wanna be in control?" I asked him not even looking at him. "Well, then we remind them who is. We terminate the rouges. Promote only loyal bloodlines." Hoskin answered me. As Barry and I started to laugh a bit "What? What's so funny?" Hoskins asked us as Barry walked away and I hide my face in Owen's back. "I don't know you come here and you don't learn anything about these animals expect what you want to know," Owen told him as my head was now leaning against his back. "You made them and you think you own them." "We do own them." Hoskin told him "Extinct animals have no rights." "They're not extinct anymore." I said to him "Exactly. We're sitting on a goldmine." Hoskin said while looking at Owen, who grabbed my hand as he walked away from Hoskins. "And Masrani is using it to stock a petting zoo."  "He just wants to teach people some humility. He doesn't make weapons." Owen told him as he pushed me in front to walk down some stairs. "You think the eighth richest man in the world is only into oil, telecom, and family fun parks?" Hoskin asked him "He's so diversified he doesn't even know what he owns." "How long has InGen been practicing this pitch?" I asked him "Since the day Owen was hired out of the Navy. He knew the end game." Hoskin said to us as he continued following "These animals an replace thousands of boots on the ground."  Owen then went into the cage that separates inside the enclosure to the outside. Owen held it opened for me, but I shook my head no and walked by it and headed towards my cousins "how many lives would that save?" I heard Hoskins asked as Owen lock the cage door. I continued on walking to were Stella was on the side closes to the Raptors while Jordanna was still on the middle one.

"Is there something between you the Owen guy?" Stella asked me not even looking at me. "There's nothing between us, were just close friends that all." I told her causing her to look at me with a smirk and say "Yeah sure you guys are.". I just rolled my eyes are her "what would you know about a relationship?" I asked her "Your like 12-year-old." This caused her to roll her eyes "I may be young, but I very observant." she told me causing me to laugh "sure you are." I said. 

Soon after our conversation I heard of the helpers yell "PIG LOOSE!" I looked down to see the little piglet out of its crate. I watched as the new kid had the rope the was able to grab the same pig. I watched as he reached down to grab it with the pole, but he was to slow as one of the Raptors grabbed it causing him to be pulled down, but he grabbed to rail and as he went flying over the bar this caused Jordanna who was next to him to fall into the enclosure. "JORDANNA." Stell and I screamed as I ran down to the area were it separates us and the enclosure. I watched as Owen opened up the doors "OWEN NO!" I heard Barry yell from next to me. I looked at them with fear on my face, my cousin and best friend was in there with Raptors. I wasn't paying attention much, my only thought was to open this door and get to them. Eventually, Barry and I got it opened as Barry ran over to stop the door from opening all the way. As I ran out and picked Jordanna up bridal style and carried her in. I put her on the ground and watch as Owen talk to the Raptors and told them to stand down. "Close the gate." Owen said "What are you crazy. " "Are you crazy?" Barry and I said at the same time. "Just trust me. Close the gate." Owen said again. I looked between the two as Barry pushed the button that would close the gate. Barry closed the gate and as it was coming down Owen turned and rolled into the gate just as it closes, separated us from the Raptors. Barry helped him up and I ran over and hugged him "Never do that again." I said into his chest causing him to hug me back. Owen and I let go as we went over and help Jordanna stand up. "You okay?" I asked her and she nodded. "Also Owen this is my cousin Jordanna, Jordanna this Owen," I said as they shook hands and said hey. I then saw Hoskin stare at Owen and shake his head. "Don't mind him," I said as we all walked out. Stella than ran over and hugged Jordanna. "I'm fine Stella," she told her sister. "Hey Stella this is Owen, and Owen this is Stella," I said while they shook hands and said hello. 

We then got back in my jeep to take Owen back to his Bungalow and get Stella and Jordanna food. We got there in 15 minutes "Okay Stella, Jordanna, we're gonna eat then I'll take you to the park to explore." I told them with a smile and they nodded. I got them something to eat inside, while outside Owen was working on his bike. "So there your cousins?" he asked me when I came outside with two cold beers. "Yup they are," I said as I handed him one. "Jay we'redone," Stella said coming outside with Jordanna following behind. "Okay, we'll go then," I said, but before we could get into the Jeep a car came pulling up and out came Clair. "What does she want," I said with a groan as I stood next to Owen with my arms crossed.


Also now realizing it I will probably not get this book done by the end of the month like I said I might. So this will be don probably if I keep doing the one week update stuff beginning of next month or second week in depending on how long I write the chapters. Well anyways see you next time.  


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