No, I don't

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A/n here is a double update I felt so bad about not writing in over a month that I wrote 2 chapter, I was working on these chapters, but sometime during the time I didn't have the motivation and I had finals to deal with. Anyways all rights go to the creators of Jurassic World and I only own my characters which are Jordanna, Jaycee, Stella, and Ashly. Enjoy



Jaycee POV: 

I walked through some bushes with Clair and Owen behind me when I heard a car engine, I looked at Owen who looked at me. We had the same idea and ran in the direction that we were the car coming from. Once we got through some more bushes came upon a garage with a jeep in it and an opened space. Owen then walked in and picked up what looks to be a jacket "this one of their's?" Owen asked us. I looked at Clair knowing that it's not Jordanna's or Stellas'. She nodded her head yes, I looked at the other jeep next to us and walked to it. "That road goes straight back to the park," Clair said as she was looking at the path the other car made. I tried to find a way to start it, but I couldn't and looked at Owen "How did they even get one of these things started?" he questioned while going to the table that had tools in front of the jeep. He then walked over to the hood of the jeep to open it when a step was heard and the dust from the roof fell down on top of us. We all froze, after a couple of seconds I grabbed Clair's hand and pulled her behind Owen with me. We hear another step and sat down with our backs leaning against the front of the jeep, I sat between Owen and Clair. I sat there as Owned turned to look at us, I looked past him to see the snot of the Indomuis Rex, I don't know if she could see us, but she started to rock the jeep we were hiding behind. Eventually, she stopped and back out of the garage doors. I watched as Owen leaned around the jeep to grab the shotgun that he left leaning up against the side of the jeep, once he retrieved it he sat back in his place and looked at the two of us and nodded signaling that it's it's gone, but I don't buy it. Then all of a sudden the snout of the Indomuis rex shot through the roof of the building, I stood up and shot off running into the building with Owen and Clair on my heels. We ran through the building to the front of the door and out of the building with the Indomuis rex right behind us. 

"Lowery, we found her." I heard Clair say on her phone "South of the Gyrosphere Valley, between the old park and the Aviary." We kept running until we arrived on a cliff overlooking the Aviary. We saw a helicopter fly overhead towards the Aviary, as I was watching I saw gunshots go towards the ground were the Indomuis Rex was until she ran into the Aviary. 

Ashly POV:

I was in the control room after Jaycee called me and told me to head there to see if I can find Jordanna or Stella when the come back to the park. I was standing behind Lowery desk when I saw this was looking white dinosaur that has been causing trouble all day break into the Aviary. "No, no, no, no!" Lowery said as he looks at the screen. "Looks like the fox got into the henhouse." the guy who Cece was telling me about Houskin was his name said from the other side of Lowery. I watch on the screen as the Pteranodons flew out of the Aviary and towards Mr. Mansai helicopter "Oh no." I said as they attacked his helicopter. I grabbed Lowery's hand as the helicopter started to fall out of the sky into the Aviary and crashed in a ball of fire. I heard crying and looked over to Vivian who said into her headset "We have a breach in the Aviary." 

Jaycee POV: 

I stood at the edge of the cliff to see a helicopter fall into the Aviary, Clair told us that Mr. Mansai was the one flying it. Moments later I looked at the sky to see Pteranodons flying out of the Aviary. "Tree's, the tree! Go! Go!" Owen shouted as he grabbed my hand and pulled me along. We kept running with Pteranodons flying behind us, one swooped down low causing Owen to pull me down and me to push Clair down as it flew right above us. I looked up to see the Pteranodons flying over the tree and head in the direction of the park.

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