Chapter 2

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Hermione's pov

I wasn't fully asleep so I just laid there, until I heard Millie say 'no'. She's having nightmares again... I slowly got out of bed and went to fetch the boys. Ron and Harry know how to calm Millie down, especially Ron. I don't know how he does it.

The boys came into the girls dorm where Millie was shaking and sweating. Fred and George decided to come too. As soon as everyone stopped fussing over her, asking if she was okay, she bolted upright and started hyperventilating. Wow, was the dream really that bad? I could tell she had tears in her eyes, she looked around and tried to smile but blacked out.

Ron's pov

We were all at the hospital wing, waiting for Millie to wake up. And by we I mean: Me, Harry, Hermione, Fred and George.

Last night, Millie had a nightmare. Only we didn't know what about, she never got the time to tell us. She just blacked out after she woke up. No idea why.

I looked around at my friends and saw Hermione Sat by Millie's side, Harry sat opposite Hermione, rubbing circles into the back of her hand and Fred and George stood at the foot of the bed, with me.

I looked back down at Millie and sighed. Why does it always have to be her who gets the worst things happen to her. Sure, Harry was hit by the killing curse and survived too but in all these years at Hogwarts, Millie always got the worse. In first year, she got bit by the 3-headed dog, Second year she got possessed by You-know-who, 3rd year she was attacked by a werewolf and dementors, 4th year she got put in the tri-wizard tournament with Harry and watched her boyfriend die in front of her. Even a dragon freaking burned her and she almost drowned in that tournament!

I never realised how much Millie means to me, until now. Glancing at her, I saw her eyes slowly flutter open...

Millie's pov

As I woke up, I realised I wasn't in my bed in the dorm, I was in the hospital wing. I was surrounded by all my best friends, but Ron was stood at the foot of my bed, oh. I would have preferred him to be by my side as well.

"Harry." I replied to my brother.
"I wasn't to say how Sorry I am about last night. I didn't mean to shout."
"Same. I don't know what came over me."
We looked at each other for a second until Ron but in.
"Um excuse me, am I not allowed to give my best friend a hug?" Typical ron. I chucked slightly as Harry moved out the way to let Ron in.
I guess Mione wanted Ron to give me a hug, I suppose she's always the first.
"I missed you." Ron whispered.
"Its only been a night Ron, it's not that long!" I whispered back, laughing slightly and pulling away.
"But still, we couldn't stuff our faces at breakfast together!"
"I guess. That's my favourite time of the day you know!" I said back to him, everyone laughed except Hermione. She slapped my arm playfully.
"Is that all you care about?! Food? You're so stupid!" She said.
"That hurt, best friend." I said mockingly, and turned away crossing my arms.
"Ok I'm sorry," Mione apologised, in the same tone I had. That's not like her, whatever. I still turned around and hugged her.

Madame Pomfrey came in and shooed everyone out. I was upset because I wanted to just spend all day talking to them. Obviously that can't happen. They have classes. Oh that reminds me. As Madame Pomfrey finished checking on me, I asked her,

"Miss, please can you ask Hermione to bring me my homework from classes on a night? I forgot to ask her earlier." Sheepishly said.
"Of course dear." She replied and with that I drifted off to sleep.


The next day I woke up, did homework with Hermione and talked to the gang. It was Saturday so it didn't matter.

At night, Harry wanted to talk to me. So we did. We talked and talked and talked for ages until he mentioned one thing...

"You know Cedric was so lucky to have you," I felt tears spring up in my eyes but he kept going, "Cedric was an amazing guy, brave, fearless, wonder why he wasn't put into Gryffindor," A tear escaped my eye but still, I sat and listened, "Shame for him to go, wasn't it? He was such a great friend to me, and boyfriend to yo-"
"Just shut up!" I snapped at Harry, crying my eyes out.
"Oh sorry I forg-"
"Save your apologies..." and with that I turned over and hid my face in my pillow, crying.

I could tell Harry left because as soon as I turned around, I heard a door go and then it was silent. That is until, I heard footsteps come into the room.

"Millie? What's up?" It was Ron. I slowly turned to face him, not caring what I looked like. He'd seen me worse before.
"Oh look at you," he came over to me and wiped my eyes dry. I smiled, I'm so lucky to have a best friend like Ron.
"Harry..h-he talked about how great Cedric was. Literally just 20 minutes ago." I replied to him.
"I could tell something was wrong, he cam into the common room, looking really upset. I knew he'd done something to you so I came as quick as I could."
"Thanks. You know it's past hours, you'll get caught."
"Well then I'd better be going." He turned to go but I grabbed his arm and stopped him.
"No, stay here."
"I want you to stay here. I'll have more nightmares."
He said nothing, just smiled and climbed into bed with me. I immediately felt his warmth and snuggled up with him. I laid my head on his chest, and closed my eyes. But before I went to sleep I said something.
"Thank you Ron."
"For what?" He asked me, slightly confused.
"For everything..." and then, I fell fast asleep.


Harry's pov

I figured Millie didn't want to see me this morning but it was early so it's not like she was gonna be awake anyways. Me, Hermione, Fred and George, all headed to the infirmary.

I went in first to see if Millie was still asleep but instead I was greeted by Millie and Ron asleep together in the bed. So that's where Ron was. I couldn't help but smile at them being like that, they just looked so...I don't know, cute?

I was stood there for ages just looking at them, creepy I know, but I couldn't help it. Everyone came bursting in and made a racket but I shushed them quickly.

"Shhhh! Look!" I pointed towards Millie and Ron, asleep.

Everyone just 'ohh'ed (is that the word) and fell silent. They looked at the couple like me, but we're not stalkers, I promise.

A few minutes later, Millie opened her eyes and looked at us all stood looking at her.

"Why the hell are you all here?" Millie asked us but we just laughed a bit. I pointed next to her and she looked confused but then understood why he was there.

"Ohhh yeah, I asked him to stay with me last night so I wouldn't have any nightmares. Shall I wake him?" She asked us.

We agreed and Millie shook Ron violently. The bed shook and even Hermione toppled a bit but Millie carried on.


Ha. Finally Ron woke up, surprisingly.

We explained what happened and he remembered well.

We all left for breakfast, except Millie, and took out some food for her. But when we arrived back at the infirmary, Millie wasn't in her bed...Now where's she gone?

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