Chapter 4

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Note: I do NOT own any characters except Millie and/or other characters I may bring in. All credit goes to JK Rowling. :)
Also this is an extremely extremely long chapter so grab your popcorn, it's gonna be a long one!


Millie's pov

It had been 7 weeks since school started and boy, Umbridge was getting on my nerves. Also, alot had happened, let me take you through it.

Me, Harry, Ron and Hermione had decided to set up a secret organisation that me and Harry taught. Ginny came up with the name of Dumbledore's Army, DA for short and we thought it was perfect.

Umbridge kept giving me detentions for answering back in class, when me answering back was fine, from the way she was talking to me anyways. These detentions even got to the point where words would be carved into my back on on the tops of my legs. Worse yet, I had yelled at her during detention because I wouldn't tell her where the DA meetings were. Yes she found out about it. Getting back to the point, she used the Cruciatus Curse on me. Every. Single. Day. The pain was just so unbearable but I wasn't going to betray my friends. Again, even worse, Malfoy and his little goons had joined a club called the Inquisitorial Squad. So every detention they would watch me suffer the illegal curse. It got to the point where Malfoy looked really sorry for me.

Christmas was nearing and today was our Hogsmead trip. I was so excited to go this year because Sirius had signed mine and Harry's permission form. Secretly, shhhh.

Going into Hogsmead, I linked arms with Ron and strode into Zonko's. I still needed to buy Christmas presents for everyone so I went with Fred and George first.

Looking at the new stuff they had in, I bought them a huge box of pranking supplies to share, each along with some chocolate.

Then I bought the rest:

I bought a cute, silver charm bracelet for Ginny with a Gryffindor lion on it. And liquorice wands, her favourite.

For Hermione, a book on Study of Ancient Runes, the newest edition, that I have to say, I was jealous of.

For Ron, I bought some Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and gave him a small photo album of us together or with Harry and Mione.

And lastly, I bought Harry a small ring with a H on it. It was gold with a clear stone in the middle. Perfect. I got it with some chocolate frogs.


1 week later...

Our final DA meeting was here and we weren't going to be meeting up until after Christmas. That's upsetting.

After the meeting I stayed behind, noticing a picture of Cedric on the mirror. Looking at it, I sighed and felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Are you okay?" A voice spoke from behind me. I turned around to see who it was and saw it was Ron.
"Yeah, totally..." I replied looking down.
"No you're not, I can tell."
"How?" I said, looking back up.
"Your my best friend, I just know." A tear slipped down my cheek as I smiled.
"Its just I miss him Ron but I'll move on, at least I'll try."  Chuckling a bit, looking back at the picture of Cedric.

He was smiling, looking so happy with life. But in reality, when this picture was took, he had no idea he was gonna die. Leaving his girlfriend heart broken. But right now, I'm moving on.

To be honest, Ron's not all that bad. He's cute, funny, sweet, caring. Everything a perfect boyfriend is.

I came out of my thoughts and looked up. Mistletoe was growing above our heads. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as memories of Cedric flooded through me. No, stop. You need to move on Millie.

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