Chapter 6

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Millie's pov

"Ron, can I talk to you?" I asked my friend.
"Yeah sure," he replied and we both separated from Harry and Hermione.

"What do you wanna talk about?"
"Well you know, before Christmas, we kissed..." I started,

Ron looked down, but slightly smiled remembering the memory.

"And...I was wondering like, are we a thing?" I finished. Ron looked up and stared into my eyes.
"I kind of just want to be friendliness, you know. I just feel it's better because you're of Harry's twin sister and I don't want it to be awkward," He explained, "Sorry if you wanted to be with me or something."
"Oh no that's fine. I was kind of thinking the same thing to be honest." I replied to him. On the outside, I was fine with it but deep down on the inside, there was a part of me that was really upset.


"Pssst...Draco!" I whispered in D.A.D.A.
"What?" He asked me.
"What's the answer to Question 5?"
"I'm not dumb, now what do you really want??"
"Ugh fine. Meet me at the Quidditch Pitch at Lunch. I need to tell you something." I told him, still whispering.
"Ok su-"

"Detention Miss Potter and Mr Malfoy! Do not speak during an exam!" Umbridge decided to blurt out.
"Oh come on, it's not even a real test! That's stupid!" I yelled at Umbitch.
"Double Detention for you Miss Potter!" She screeched at me.
"Fine. Not like I'm not used to it." I mumbled angrily as Draco sighed at me.


At Lunch, I waited on the Quidditch pitch for Draco. As I was waiting, I sat, I ran around, I cartwheeled, I kicked, I threw a Quaffle, all until he showed up. He sauntered over towards me and stood in front of me.

"So what do you wanna tell me?" He asked curiously.
"Well, I've..I..." I wasn't sure if I should tell him to be honest.
"I've been having these, dreams...And every time I get them, they end up really hurting me. Emotionally and Physically. Remember when I had that one about Mr.Weasley but I was Voldemort-" He looked down when I said that, "Draco? Are you okay?"

"Umm...yeah, fine." He said looking up, "I'm just worried about you that's all."

I smiled slightly and looked into his eyes. I never really realised what they were like. His eyes were a beautiful, grey colour and reflected the sun. They looked at me, lovingly. The same way Cedric had. But not as strong but also, at the same time, stronger than Ron had. What is happening? He gazed into my eyes and my green ones locked for ages. I felt like kissing him right then and there. Wait, what? No Millie, that's stupid. You're only friends right? Right? But before I knew it, we were both leaning in, our lips about to meet. When I realised what was going on, I pulled away quick and he did the same.

"Umm, we should be getting back now. Harry'll wonder where I've got to." I told him, not wanting this to be any more awkward.
"Yeah, uhh, you're right. Come on" Draco replied.

Draco's pov

That evening, I sat in the Slytherin common room, rethinking the events that happened at lunch. I was really confused. It looked like she wanted to kiss me. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to kiss her so badly. I've had a huge crush on her since...I don't know when. Probably back in October when we became friends. She's just so beautiful.

The way her long, red hair flows in the wind. How her vivid, green eyes sparkle like the stars. How her freckled face scrunches up in confusion. Her cute, button nose. Her pale complexion. Just everything about her is perfect.

Oh god, I really am in love with Millicent Potter...

Millie's pov

"Millie? Earth to Millie?"

Hermione snapped in my face , bringing me out of my daydream.

I couldn't help but think about earlier. Me and Draco had almost kissed. I've been convincing myself that we're only good friends but I just can't seem to do that. Am I falling for Draco Malfoy?

"Sorry, what?" I replied.
"Were you even listening?"
"Umm, I tried but got distracted. What were you on about?"
"Well, we were just saying that Harry got his Occulomency lessons cancelled." She huffed.
"Oh yeah, so did I."
"What?" Hermione, Harry and Ron said in sync.

I may have got my lessons with Snape cancelled because I looked into his mind further. Harry told me he found out that Dad and Sirius used to bully Snape. I went into his mind, by accident of course, (ha not!), and saw my mum, talking to him. They were under a tree, when mum suddenly burst out saying that her and dad were together. Then it showed Snape, looking all sad and gloomy under the same tree. I'm not sure either.

I explained to them and they were all shocked.

"Anyways guys, I'm tired. I'm heading up to bed. Night." I kissed Harry on the cheek and skipped up the stairs. But I was exhausted so when I flopped onto my bed, I was out like a light, dreaming about Draco.

Or at least I thought I did. Well Fred and George aren't exactly the same as Draco now, are they?


Hello Lovelies! Sorry this chapter took so long, it's just I get so tired on a night to do these so I do it paragraph at a time mostly. Thanks for the reads, please make sure to share this with your friends! It would mean alot to moi!! ~ Lots of love, Millie

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