Chapter 5

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"Millie? Millie! Wake up!"
Someone was shaking me violently and I abruptly shot up. I came face to face with Dean and looked into his eyes.
"Well hello there Dean," I said as we stayed where we were.
"How can you be happy right now? You just passed out!" Seamus thick Irish accent echoed out to me.

Ohhhh... so that's what happened. Why does that happen to me so often nowadays?


It's alot later and I still hadn't made up with my friends. The oh people I have now are Neville, Dean, Seamus and Luna. Worse yet, there's another DA meeting that I have to teach with them all today.

As I made my way down the halls, an arm grabbed me and spun me round. I saw myself at the face of Draco.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"Detention with Umbridge for not telling her where you're going"

What?! Since when did you just get detentions for that?!

I tagged along with Draco as we made our way to Umbridge's Office. Oh joy. This was gonna be superb.

"Are you going to tell me?" She sickly asked me.
"No." I replied with shortly.
"Why not?"
"I'd rather die than betray my friends." I said through gritted teeth, remembering what Sirius had said in 3rd Year.
"Very well." She raised her wand.

I braced myself for the pain and shut my eyes tight.

"Crucio!" She said.

A million hot knives pierced my skin and heart, making me fall on the floor and scream in excruciating pain. I was screaming for about 20 minutes until a voice spoke.

"STOP!" Thank God Draco was there today.

All the pain subsided and died down instantly and I just laid motionless on the floor, tears streaming down my face. I took deep breaths whilst hearing voices talking around me. I blocked them out and just sat on the hard, stone cold floor.

Soon, Umbitch let me go and I slowly but steadily walked to the common room. It was about 6:45 when I got back and going back to ages ago, all my supposed 'friends' where stood, scowling.

"Skip another lesson, eh Millie?" Hermione asked.
"You never said anything" Ron stated.
"I didn't know."
"How can you not know? That's stupid." Harry scoffed.

I replied with nothing and started to bead to my dorm.

"I thought these lessons actually meant something to you?" I heard Harry say. I turned around and crossed my arms.
"Wow. Are you that thick? Not figured out what she does to me yet? Well for your information, in these detentions, it's not just a scar on my hand I get."

Everybody looked at me confusedly, as Fred asked;
"What the hell do you mean?"
I took a deep breath and started to explain.

"She knows about the DA meetings and she keeps giving me detentions so I'll tell her where we meet. But I refused,"
"So?" Ginny asked.
"So...instead of just cutting into my hand, she cut into my back and the top of my legs."
"Prove it." Ron spat.

I slowly lifted up my t-shirt at the back, exposing my scars and after, I lifted up my shorts and revealed my leg scars. Everyone looked surprised but I ignored it.

"Even worse. She started using the Cruciatus Curse on me when I kept refusing to tell her about the meetings. I have a scar on my side from it, identical to the one on my forehead," I lifted up my side and showed them my lightning shaped scar. Pheromones eyes went wide.

"But...but that's illegal!" She almost yelled.
"It is, but why would you care? You guys would this curse used on me 5 times a day, wouldn't you?" I felt tears spring up in my eyes. I desperately wanted to be their friends again but at this rate, nothing would happen.
"Look, I'll tell you if I have detention next time. As far as I'm aware, I have no more this week so I can be at the meeting on Thursday." Everyone sighed, shook their heads and departed except Harry.
"Still, you're worthless. I really can't believe you." He stated.
"Ask Malfoy if you want the truth, he's seen it all."
"Why would I want to talk to him?" He spat back.
"Trust me on this one" And with that, I stormed off to my dorm.

Can my life get any worse?


"Right so, one of the most useful spells is stunning," I started off.
"So well have to learn it properly. Speak the incantation clearly and aim at your opponent. Everyone get into partners and practise, it the movement and words." Harry finished me off. He glanced at me, sourly and walked away.

Later, we were stunning each other. Nigel stunned Harry and sent himself backwards, Hermione beat Ron and Neville stunned me, pretty well.


A small bang echoed from outside.


Another one could be heard.


All of the mirrors smashed off the wall, as I went to inspect what had happened, I noticed a small hole in the wall.
I peered into it and saw Umbridge stood with her wand out and all the Inquisitorial Squad around Filch.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and it pulled me away so they could look in the wall. It was Harry.

"Let's make short work of this, Bombarda Maxima!" She screeched, as Harry pulled me away from the wall.

We both went toppling backwards and I landed on top of him. Quickly, I bustled up and dusted myself off. I looked back to the, now really big, gap in the wall and saw everyone smirking, except Draco. He looked quite guilty actually.


I was sat in the Library with Hermione, Ron and Harry, finishing off our Potions Essay. I had finally made up with them, after long, loonngg, lllooooonnnngggg explanations. But I was happy to have them back in my life. Me and Ron were still not a thing but we were well, something? I'm not quite sure if Harry or Hermione approved of that though.

Me and Draco were still on good terms, talking occasionally in secret and sneaking into the kitchens to hang out. One time, we were practising on the Quidditch pitch together (being on opposite teams) and he sent a bludger at me, purposefully. Luckily I dodged it but that went on for about 40 minutes, just us messing around.

Ah, life was good.

Hey Guys! I never write at the end of these but hope you enjoyed.
~ Millie (yes the character is named after me)

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