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Jordan's PVO

Even if someone had noticed the girl who always hung in the shadows, climbing trees, and swinging through the air, everyone would agree she is weird.

I'm Jordan, an almost 13 year old. There was no Nectar in my remote village and one day when I turned 13, a flash of light blinded me. Out of nowhere, I felt a need to run to the shadows, feeling that I wasn't feeling my own emotions.

I turned around and realized everyone was staring. I looked to her right and almost screamed. Standing there, was a Black Panther. A greencloak that had just run into the clearly shell shocked square. "Behold! Shadow the Panther has returned to Erdas!"

And the people began to cheer. I watched in awe as the people who qualified me as 'weird' cheered for me. Shadow loped towards me with a sinuous grace that could only come from a feline.

He nuzzled my hand and the charge disappeared. I collapsed, shuddering as pain overwhelmed me. "Did she have nectar?" I heard someone say.

"We don't have Nectar in this town." A quiet male voice said. I felt someone pick me up and I opened my eyes, the pain gone.

I shoved away and stood up, my hand on Shadow's back. The panther disappeared into a mark on my shoulder.

"Will you join the Greencloaks?" And I nodded and looked around my village who stared at me. "It was never a home anyways." And I followed the Greencloak, my fingers rubbing over the tattoo of Shadow.

For more than 3 days, we rode on a ship. Even though Shadow didn't like the ship or water, he seemed perfectly happy to help me train.

I often got short bursts of awareness. I was kneeling next to Shadow, scratching behind his ears as he purred. He nuzzled me and followed me to the Galley.

I stood at the doorway and saw the other Greencloaks waiting. "Sorry." I said and Shadow disappeared. They raised their eyebrows and began to eat. "It's very impressive that you've mastered the dormant state so young." And I looked at the guy who had spoken. "What's your animal?" And I released Shadow and he lunged, smashing into a lynx that appeared out of nowhere.

"Shadow!" I said, shocked at my spirit animal's behavior. "I'm so sorry." I said and focused on Shadow. He glared back at me reproachfully. "Fine. No more attacking other peoples spirit animals!" And he growled.

I sighed and turned to the guy again. "Is he okay?" I asked, nodding at the Lynx. "Yeah she's okay. I'm Griffin. That's Remin." And he nodded at the lynx. "Hi Remin." I said and let him sniff me.

Suddenly he bit me. "Ow!" I yelped and as soon as he heard it, Shadow was rolling on top of Remin. Griffin grimaced and Remin disappeared onto his arm. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

And I looked at the fang marks an inch deep and bleeding. "It should be fine." And I walked out, Shadow following. "I'm okay boy." I said as he nuzzled me concerned.

"Come on. I need to rest." And we walked to our room and I held a sword by my side. I felt my hearing heightened from Shadow and I spun around, my blade stopping an inch from Griffin's neck. I yelled and he winced and covered his ear.

"No planning on dying by decapitation but that plan might change." And I sheathed my sword. "What the hell? You can't follow me like that!" I said and turned around, opening my door. "Wait." And I stopped, my leg in the door.

"What?" And he shut his eyes. "My real named is Julian." And I looked at him. I hugged him tightly, forgetting all about the bite, and only remembering the brother that defended me until he joined the GC.

"I'm sorry." He said and I shook my head. "No." And I whistled for Shadow and he leaped out of passive, threading himself around my legs in a figure eight.

"I'll see you tomorrow for training." And I chuckled. "I'm bonded with a panther. The night is my domain."

And I pulled out a bowstaff and split it into two. "Okay then. I'll see you at an hour before Dawn." And I looked at him as he walked away with Remin following.

I fell back on my bed and it was so soft... a nap couldn't hurt....

I snapped awake to Shadow curled next to me. Julian stood in the corner and I jumped, jerking Shadow awake as I did so.

"Jesus!" And I stood up. "We're here. At Greenhaven." And I looked at the beautiful fortress, emerald green stones, and the forests surrounding them.

I released Shadow and he purred. We disembarked and I followed Julian. Four people walked out and I saw them. A black haired Zhongese girl had a panda tattoo on the back of her hand.

A Niloain girl had dark brown hair and had a leopard tattoo on her forearm.

One of the guys had a falcon flying over him and the other had a wolf tattoo on his forearm.

"Conor, Meilin, Abeke, Rollan, meet Jordan. She summoned a Great Beast as well. One of the 4 who were forgotten." And Shadow reared up on his hind legs. Uraza appeared and they touched noses.

Briggan nodded and let out a purr like growl. Essix screeched and bit Shadow gently on the ear as a sign of affection. I shook hands with Abeke, Rollan, Conor, and Meilin.

Shadow flashed into Passive state on my shoulder and I covered the spot with my greencloak.

"You already accepted the pledge." And I nodded. "Is there a problem Rollan?" I asked coolly and he shrugged wordlessly.

"Where are we going next?" I asked, knowing they had just gotten the Granite Ram from Arax. "Glengavin." Conor said. "We?" Meilin asked suspiciously. "Yes. Unless I'm mistaken, this isn't an ordinary panther. It's a Great Beast."

And she lunged and Jhi flashed out of passive state. I drew my staff and blocked four blows and felt the panther flow through me.

I flipped and ploughed into Meilin. We wrestled and I punched her in the chest and she staggered back.

I stood up, brushing dust off my pants. "Follow me." Julian said and I followed my brother, calling Shadow into passive.

I found myself surrounded by a crowd cheering. I showed Shadow and he leaped out of passive. I rubbed his head and he growled.

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