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Jordan's PVO

As soon as I walked out of Greenhaven, I released Shadow. I came with Ethan and Tarik for going to get Ethan's twin Aiden. "Come on. Let's go." Ethan said, mounting up. I sighed and mounted up on my own horse and we galloped off with Tarik at the front.

I had my swords hidden under my cloak and held a staff with one hand.

We camped for the night under a precipe and I made a fire and shielded it.

Tarik agreed to take last watch. I woke up Ethan when I felt myself falling asleep.

I passed out next to Tarik and almost immediately slipped into a nightmare. Suddenly I was in the middle of a war torn village and I sobbed as I realized all of my friends were being cut down. I screamed for Shadow but he had disappeared. Suddenly someone woke me up with water on my face.

"War." I said and Ethan nodded and helped me up. "Look who found us." And I smiled and punched the other twin in the gut. "Ow." Aiden said, smirking crookedly. "Shut up."

I said and shook my hair out, from where it stuck up straight after me sleeping on it. We mounted up and I beheld Fang for the first time. The magnificent Mountain Lion loped into view, a big pig in his mouth. I laughed and he let me pet him and scratch him behind the ears.

I released Shadow and he leaped and tussled playfully with Fang as we attempted to drag the pig into the cave. "Hey Fang. Can you help me?" Aiden asked and I nodded at Shadow. Suddenly, Aiden not only lifted the pig, but he threw it into the cave. "Woah. Guess there's no increments for mountain lions."

I said, looking at where my shoulder had been dislocated from how quickly he had picked it up. "Thanks for the help there Shadow." I said sarcastically as the twins began to cook the meat.

Tarik helped me shove my shoulder into place and I walked over to my horse. Suddenly a dart slapped into its flank and its eyes rolled back and it fell.

"Ambush!" I roared and lunged, pulling out my swords as Conquerors appeared out of nowhere. "Aiden!"

I roared and Ethan stood on one side and Aiden the other. "Tarik?" I said and suddenly he exploded into view, battling with Lumeo on his shoulders. I charged and Shadow gave me extra strength and agility as I swiftly dodged and slashed.

I tried not to kill but sometimes I had to. A badger sunk it's fangs into my shoulder and I screamed. Aiden pried it off and threw it into the woods. I had blood pulsing out of the wound in my shoulder. "Go! Get Fang and Aiden out of here!" Ethan yelled and I realized he was talking to me. "Come on Aiden!" I roared.

Aiden followed me and we began to run. "Hey. They'll be fine." I said, looking into his worried eyes. "Yeah. They will." And we raced back to Greenhaven. A few hours later, Ethan and Tarik caught up, galloping on their steeds that they must've retrieved.

Aiden and me were casually drinking water against the gate. Fang was in passive on Aiden's neck and I had Shadow on my shoulder. "You guys were hard to track." And I chuckled. "I was in the trees most of the time." I said and Aiden nodded. "I was walking in streams."

He said and I chuckled. "Come on. Let's show you around shall we?" Tarik said and I was already running, with Aiden behind me.

I raced through the halls and Aiden following me. We stopped and saw the Four Fallen, plus the Conqueror who had summoned Tutaru.

"Conor, Abeke, Meilin, Rollan. This is Aiden. His twin is coming in. He summoned Fang." And Fang leaped out of passive and roared, his fangs bared. Briggan was first to appear, then Uraza, and Essix who flew in from the window. Jhi was thudding over slowly. "Ignore the Komodo why don't you." The guy with the Komodo Dragon said and my glare could cut through iron. "Piss off." And he rolled his eyes. "No." And I growled and Shadow screamed and it sounded like a human scream as he rammed into the guy before turning and slashing at the Komodo. "Shadow!" I yelled, recalling him into passive. "Tutaru and Gabe." I spat and walked into the corner. "He's a conqueror from Stretroil." I snapped.

"No he isn't." Tarik reasoned and I rolled my eyes. "He wears the mark of the Stretroil. He is a conqueror. His parents burned my village to the ground. After we rebuilt, they did it again!" I snapped and he roared and Tutaru lunged, sending me flying with a smack of his long powerful tail, and sunk his fangs into Aiden's arm. Aiden roared and kicked him off, his shoulder bleeding, the blood almost black. He cried out and staggered, and Ethan ran in. "What the hell?!" And his twin collapsed. "Komodo poison. Infirmary. NOW!" Ethan roared and I disappeared.

Ethan raced after me, his dingo enhancing his speed. We reached the wing. "We have to bleed out the poison." And Ethan gripped his brother's hand tightly and exhaled. His veins turned black as he took the poison and the pain. He bowed his head in concentration. He gripped it tighter and suddenly Aiden choked in air. Ethan fell to the side, the veins returning to normal. "He's exhausted." And Aiden picked his brother up and put him on the bed and I wrapped his arm. "Stay still for god's sake." I snapped and he sighed. "Fine." And I finally finished. "There you go."

And suddenly Olvan walked in. "We need you three with the 4 fallen and Gabe. Tarik and Finn will be going with you. You're going to Northern Eura. Glengavin if you would." And I looked at Aiden. "Fine." He said and prodded his brother. Ethan slapped his hand aside and limped down the hall, his dingo supporting him. I followed with Aiden in case he fell. We reached the stables just behind Rollan and Abeke. Aiden saddled up a horse and Fang sniffed with distaste as he offered him passive state. He ignored it. "Fine." And I mounted up on my blue roan, my saddle bag holding the Granite Ram. "Here Abeke. Catch." And she caught it. "Why me?" She asked nervously. "Because us girls have to stick together."

And I glared pointedly at Meilin who didn't react. I sighed and we finally got going.

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