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Gabe's PVO

I'm Gabe. Short for Gabriel. My mom and dad were conquerers but I chose not to use the Bile. My parents argued over it and agreed maybe I shouldn't. I walked into the streets and to the Square where a trio of Greencloaks waited.

I took a sip of the Nectar and tasted everything. Suddenly a wind came and a Komodo Dragon stood there, it's tongue slipping in and out of it's mouth.

I reached out and it bumped my hand with it's head. "Tutaru. The forgotten Beast." And the Greencloaks knelt except one, who looked about 36.

"Follow me. Will you become a Greencloak?" And I looked at Tutaru who hissed as if to say, obviously. I nodded and the mighty Komodo followed me.

We were on a ship for almost a week, stopping at various cities for provisions. Meanwhile, I trained. I trained and trained, and trained some more. I learned to use my legs like Tutaru's tail to send the people down hard and tumbling.

I had begun to recieve boosts of power, nothing major just, small hops of strength and awareness.

My chosen weapons were always knives but I had begun to find out that swords worked for me too. I walked away and into my room.

I still hadn't figured out how to force him into his passive state but then remembered, it was a partnership, not a slave.

I sighed and leaned back, my hands folded behind my head as Tutaru slept curled up in the corner. I looked at the clock, ticking on the wall, and my eyes slowly grew heavier and heavier and then I fell asleep. I woke up to Tarik, the GC.

He shook me awake and I grumbled something about getting up soon and rolled over and stared into a face of something furry. I screamed and Tutaru hissed loudly, his jaws open wide, and then the Otter disappeared in a flash of light.

"He's my spirit animal. Lumeo is an otter." And I groaned and stood up, rubbing my eyes. We arrived at Greenhaven and I saw five people waiting at the docks.

"He's a conqueror!" And one of the girls lunged. I dove and ducked as she landed on top of me, her forearm pushing into my neck. "Let me go!" And Tutaru hissed angrily and the girl released something black and angry. The panther's scream sounded like a human's.

The girl let me up and called the Panther back to her side. "This is Gabriel." And I glared at Tarik. "Gabe." He amended and I nodded.

"Jordan." The girl who was shorter but pinned me said. "Abeke." The dark haired girl with brown skin said.

"Meilin." The taller other girl said. "Rollan." The shorter boy with the Falcon said. "Conor." The last guy said.

"Shadow. Uraza. Jhi. Essix. Briggan."
I said and they nodded. "Yeah. How did you guess." Rollan said sarcastically. "Leave him alone Rollan." Conor said and Tarik nodded.

"Follow me. I'll show you to the training room." And I followed Tarik. I grabbed a wrist and someone slapped me. Jordan walked ahead and disappeared after a while. I wonder why she didn't come with us. I followed Tarik and he let Lumeo out.

Suddenly out of nowhere a Greencloak ran into Tarik. He stopped as the person talked too fast. "Hunter the Tiger. Nilo. Fang Mountain Lion. Eura. Olvan wants... Jordan." And Tarik nodded.

"You guys take over and show Tutaru and Gabe where to go. I need to go."

And he raced off at least twice as fast as a human could go. I looked at the kids who had summoned the Four Fallen.

"Follow us." Conor said amiably, leading us down to an archway, where people ate. "Cafeteria." Rollan said and I glanced at him.

"What's the deal with Jordan?" I asked Abeke, the only one who had looked serious about anything.

"She's an orphan, she summoned Shadow, and her adopted parents always beat her when she came home. Ask her if you feel the need to pry into other people's business."

And I flinched as Jordan walked out with Shadow beside her. She murmured something to him as she mounted up onto the horse, her provisions securely tied on in saddle bags.

I felt an unfamiliar feeling spread through me and I felt my muscles tensed. I turned away and felt Shadow's eyes on me, but when I turned around, he was gone, Loping after Jordan.

I sighed and went to my room, throwing treats for Tutaru as I did. I slammed my door shut and jumped on my bed. I dreamed as I slipped into sleep.

"Come on!" Jordan called and tugged on my hand. We went to my room and suddenly she was wearing practically nothing. I smiled and threw her on the bed and...

"Wake up!" Rollan yelled, banging on the door. I opened it and pulled my shirt over my head and donned my cloak. "What?!" I snapped. "It's raining!" And I punched him in the face and shut the door in his face.

He banged on the door again. "GO AWAY!" I roared and he kicked it and yelped with pain, probably having broken his toes. I grunted and realized I didn't feel Tutaru. I looked at my hand and saw him on my hand as a tattoo. He wrapped around my hand completely.

I smiled and a different voice came in. "Come on! It's training time! You're going to be late!" Abeke said and I grunted as I walked out. I walked away and let Tutaru out.

I saw the Four Fallen and their partners along with an unfamiliar face.

"Because of Tarik's need in Eura, I'm taking you on as a project. I'm Nik and you can call me N, Nik, or Zed. Or even Z if you forget my name. I've been with the Greencloaks since I was 11. I am a fully trained Greencloak and I'm a spy."

And his spirit animal, a fox, came out of nowhere. "Today we're working with household objects." And he opened a cupboard and we saw household objects from everywhere.

I walked and grabbed a frying pan. I faced off with a Greencloak. Each of us faced one Greencloak. I held my frying pan ready. I growled and felt someone watching me. "Ah here they are." And Nik pointed and Jordan loped in with Shadow.

Behind her came a boy, big and looks like he's almost 16. "How old are you?" I asked rudely. "Back off Conqueror." Jordan said and I pushed her to the floor and out of nowhere, I was on the ground with a boot on my spinal cord in the center of my back. "Touch her again and I crush your spine." I heard the boy say and he let me up. I stood next to Tutaru, his face impassive.

The Komodo Dragon lunged and sunk his fangs into the boy's arm. The boy roared and a mountain lion ripped Tutaru away from his human. "Aiden." I heard Jordan say.

"I'm okay." And he staggered, blood pouring from his forearm. Jordan and Tarik helped him out of the room. "That was the summoner of Fang. Who now has Komodo venom in his bloodstream. Nice one!"

Rollan said. "In a nutshell, he's 15 and the bond formed late. A lot later then normal." Tarik said, returning without Jordan.

"Where's Shadow and Jordan?" Conor asked. "Staying next to him. She knew him before his family moved." And roars echoed down the hall. "Oh no." And Tarik sped off.

I followed, my eyes burning with anger. I jumped and landed a step behind him. We turned into an infirmary where Jordan was holding down the struggling teen.

"I can't hold him! Even with Shadow!" And Shadow appeared and reared, holding him down, until a mountain lion The Mountain Lion, slammed him away. Tarik held him tightly as they bled the poison out of him.

"We need Ethan. Where is he?" Jordan said to Tarik. "He's off on a mission..." And suddenly a person identical to the one we were holding down ran in. "Who did this?" He yelled and the guy pointed to me and Tutaru. I got thrown and the guy losing blood collapsed, lying in a pool of his own blood. "Ethan."

He murmured and the identical twin knelt next to him. He reached out and grabbed his hand. His spirit animal, a dingo, appeared and Aiden winced and seemed to breathe easier after Ethan took his hand away. "Twins. You can take his pain away. And you also feel it, even if it's not yours." I said.

"Yeah. Which also means I'm stronger with my brother in the room." And he picked up a desk and I ran. He lunged and tackled me, swinging hard. "ENOUGH!"

A voice roared. Ethan looked up and got off of me. My face was covered with my own blood. He saw the leader Olvan and winced.

"Go see your brother. We will talk about this later." And Ethan nodded and disappeared back into the infirmary.

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