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District's PVO

I followed the guard to my room. I was on my own because there's 3 girls and it's uneven. I lay back on the bed and slipped into sleep. A servant woke me a few hours later and I took a bath, and dressed in the green surcoat and long pants. I walked into the dining hall and found Ethan and Aiden looking around, standing by the wall. "You guys okay?" I asked, standing in front of them. "Yeah. Just... Watching." Aiden said and I saw his hand go to his neck where Fang was. I smirked. "You guys are heroes to these people. Enjoy it." I said and Shadow appeared, sniffing around and hissing playfully. Aiden smiled and Fang appeared next to Shadow and the two cats raced around.

"Different to be staying somewhere civilized." I said and leaned against the wall between the twins. "Yeah it is." Ethan said and Finn came over with a jolly man that could only be Lord MacDonnell. "Hello. You must be summoner of Shadow." And he looked at me. "Yes sir." And I noticed that the twins had locked into place like statues. "This is Ethan and Aiden." And Lord MacDonnell nodded and smiled, but his eyes told a different story. "Hello sons." And Aiden whistled and Fang came back to his side and snarled at Lord MacDonnell. "Of all the people, it's my son who summons a warrior's animal."

He said, his voice as cool as ice. I gripped Aiden's hand and he squeezed it like a lifeline. "You left us for dead." Ethan said as Aiden's muscles rippled under his skin. "You meant nothing to me." MacDonnell said and I felt my heart break for the twins. MacDonnell clapped and a tense silence rippled over the hall. "Guards, my twin sons have returned. Throw them in the Dungeon!" And the guards walked through and pulled the twins apart and Aiden and Ethan were dragged away, fighting. "I'm truly sorry about that disturbance." And I flinched and ran through the hallways, Shadow leaping beside me as I went into my room and slammed the door shut. I looked at the wall and found a picture of Lord MacDonnell with his two sons, before Shana and Culloden were born. It was Aiden and Ethan, but they were covered with bruises.

I walked down to the dungeons a few hours later and found the twins slumped in cells with two between them. Fang was pacing around Aiden and Nem was growling. I crouched next to Aiden and he looked up. "You shouldn't be here." He said and I gripped his hand through the bars. His hand squeezed weakly against mine. "Hey. I brought you some food." I said and pulled the sausages out of my bag and gave him some. Then I gave a few to Fang. I jogged over to Ethan and gave him and Nem some. "Shadow." I whispered and my panther appeared and he ate out of my hand. I ate a few sausages myself. "I'll be back later." I said and Nem disappeared onto Ethan's wrist and Fang curled up next to Aiden.

I walked away and found Finn waiting with Conor and Meilin. "I can't leave them down there." I said and Finn nodded. "And we need them to help convince Rumfuss to give his tailsman to us." Meilin said, staring at me coldly. "Unless you think your boyfriend is more important." And I flinched. "If you had only had them as your friends for years who helped you and trained you to fight, you'd think that too." I snapped and stormed past her. "Jordan.." Conor said but I had already gone. I heard Finn following me. "She called me a traitor Finn." I said and he nodded.

"I know, but she didn't realize how much it would hurt you." He said and I looked at him. "How do you know she didn't?" And he sighed. "I don't. But I do know that her father is missing, and it's killing her inside not knowing where she is." He said and I sighed, leaning against the wall and was suddenly overcome with emotions. "Promise me you'll do everything you can to get them out." I said, looking up at him with tears leaking down my face. "I will. Now go get some rest." And I walked away, Shadow's tail whacking my leg gently as we walked. I sighed and found my room and found it was ajar. I pushed it open and clenched the sword that I took from Aiden when he was taken. I was thrown against the wall and a jolt when through me. I collapsed and the last thing I remember was seeing the face of Devin Trunswick. I woke up hog-tied in a small space with Shadow in passive form. "Jordan?" Abeke asked from somewhere in the darkness. "Abeke? Where are we?" I asked. "I don't know."

She said and I heard someone running. Their footsteps were soft and swift. "Aiden? Ethan?" I whispered. "Hold on. We'll get you out of there." And suddenly the light came pouring in and I squinted my eyes painfully against the light. Shadow leaped out and helped me stand up as I staggered out with him supporting me. "How?" I asked, opening my eyes a little more. "We struck a deal with our father." Ethan said and looked at Aiden. "What was it?" I asked and they sighed. "Aiden has to stay here. For good, or until Father says he can go." And I growled. "No." I said and Aiden looked at Ethan. "I told you she wasn't going to take it well." He said and I slapped him and he flinched. "Let's find Rumfuss then I'll force your father to let you go." And I looked to see Abeke and Uraza freed by Rollan and Meilin. "I may not have the strength of a lion, but I do have street smarts." Rollan said cheekily. "No one cares. Now let's follow Essix and find Rumfuss." And I followed the screeches.

I sent Shadow with Uraza and Jhi to check it out. Meilin led us inside and I walked next to Aiden and Ethan. "Humans." Rumfuss said, his voice a grunt. "Rumfuss. What you see here are three of the Four Fallen, and Two of the forgotten." I said and Shadow twined himself around my legs as Aiden pulled his collar down and Fang appeared. "Ahh. My fallen and forgotten siblings. Yes." He said. "We have come for your tailsman. The Devourer has risen again." I said and he grunted. "Why give to you?" He asked. "Because we are trying to save the world. Gerathon is free." I said and Rumfuss rumbled. "What in return?" He asked. "Freedom." Aiden said and looked up at the Great Boar. "My father threw me and my brother out just as you were captured and brought in." And Rumfuss looked at him. "You are the twins." And Aiden nodded. "An animal in a cage always wishes and wants for freedom. No matter how big or nice the cage is." Aiden said and suddenly he spun around, drawing his swords. Devin Trunswick, and his panther Elda, and Karmo, with the weird looking bird, came in. "Rumfuss we're going to need that Talisman." He said.

He whistled four times and suddenly the bushes were alive with sounds and suddenly they were surrounded by Conquerors and their spirit animals. I growled and felt Shadow come back to me. Rumfuss crouched and stamped a heavy foot against the ground and drew it back again. Then he did it again and his hackles raised. Suddenly he charged and I charged with him. I roared and lunged slamming into the nearest group of Conquerors, Aiden right beside me. Ethan was fighting next to Meilin and Rollan. Abeke was beside Rumfuss. "Conor!" I yelled as I saw him. Suddenly Devin's panther sunk it's fangs into my shoulder.

I screamed in agony and Shadow was ringed by enemies. Suddenly Fang sunk his fangs into her scruff and threw her away. Aiden helped me up and I stood next to him, fighting off the rest of the circle. "Shadow!" I screamed as I felt him get stabbed in the hind leg. I leaped and felt Rumfuss throw me farther and Shadow leapt into passive state, just as I landed and rolled, my shoulder screamed with pain but I ignored it as I felt an sword slash my shirt but not pierce my skin. I fought back and soon there was Devin and Karmo. Karmo was on the ground at swordpoint and I staggered over to Aiden, as Ethan stepped out of him. Aiden helped me up and Finn stood in the shadows with a black wildcat. "Finn?" I asked, walking over as I wrapped my shoulder. "Donn. My spirit animal." And I smiled. "The Black Wildcat." Ethan said and Finn nodded. "Hope that saving Glengavin from a siege is good enough. Since we don't have the Hare." Conor asked. "Hare?" Rumfuss asked as he dug his tusk into a tree trunk and gave the Tailsman to Conor. "Thank you." He said. "Our father's spirit animal." Aiden said and looked at his twin and I nodded.

"Let's go." I said and they followed me.

The 4 Forgotten [Spirit Animals FF 1]Where stories live. Discover now