32~ Realization

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My favourite chapter is chapter 8~broken queen. What's yours?

Alistair's POV

I don't think my heart can take it
I don't think my heart beat
For my love gave me her's
And I crushed it with my feet.
For my selfish desires
To fulfil my mother's command
She gave me her heart
And I crushed it with my hand.

The day I received the letter
The day I thought better
I wished I wasn't a fool before
I wished I hadn't marry that whore.

Ruth will give birth to out child
In the next 4 months
I still have time
To find my girl

I confronted my mother
She tried bribing me with tears
Saying that a maid isn't a perfect bride, saying that this is no Cinderella story.

After talking to mom for hours
She finally understood
Natalie didn't take the news well
But later, she'll understand.

The divorce took a week.
I was the face of every magazine
Headline "Searching for my soul mate that ran away due to my selfish desires"

Ruth I'm coming for you.
Wherever you may be.
For when I get u again
From my life you'll never flee.

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