35- Progress

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Ruth's POV

Texas seemed like a good place
To settle and keep my heart beating at a slow pace.

With my four siblings
And my mother
We moved to a quiet place where we wouldn't be bothered.

After three weeks, Alisha, Allison , Aiden and Andy (My siblings) started pre-school
They made some amazing friends
And mom and I got jobs
At a local diner.

Though we were well off
It wouldn't last long
A million dollars may seem
Like one's heart song.

But I rolled my die
And made my bet
I'll never let down my guard
Now today, not yet.

The first month was good
Running smoothly as should.
Mom met a guy
Who brought her on dates.

I worked and took care of my sibs
Letting my mother live her best life

The second month came fast.
October was so cool
Until I saw a package
Laying on my front porch
On a stool

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