I am not okay

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They were about to say no but I cut them.

Yn: yes.

Jungkook: what? What did I do wrong?

He looked at me while me, looking down.

Jungkook: Yn tell me?! Am I the reason why you're here?!

Jimin: yah! Jungkook-ah! Don't scold my sister.

Jungkook: is this about sana?!

I didn't talk back instead my tears are rolling down to my cheeks while looking down. The others are shocked of the scene.

Anna: jungkook please calm down...

Jungkook: I knew it! You tried to kill yourself just to see me because you like me... I don't like you! I have my girlfriend. I don't even need you. I rather be with my girl. It's such a waste of time. I should have just practiced.

Jin: jungkook-ah! Don't talk to yn like that!

I saw jimin clenching his fists into balls until his knuckles became white.

Jimin: how dare you talked to my sister like that!

Jimin punched jungkook right across the face. Jungkook was on the ground looking at jimin. He stood up and looked at me.

Jungkook: you're the reason why we fight.

He was about to walked out when I talked back

Yn: yeah you're right. Jungkook I liked you ever since day one. I'm the reason why you fight. I'm sorry if I disturbed you.

I said as I sit up. Anna held me back.

Yn: no let me go. I don't deserve to live. Yelling at me is the great way to just stab my heart and rip it into pieces. You guys are just the same! Sorry if I'm attention seeker to you. You didn't have to come and visit me. I guess this is the last time I'll talk to you. I missed the jungkook I known for how many years since childhood. You lost the piece of me.

I said as I pulled out the dextrose in my hand. I could feel pain that was killing inside me. I walked out of the hospital without a slippers or something. I called my service and ride home.

I walked into my room and took a bath even though I'm still not allowed to do things. I still force myself even though my legs are shaking. After I showered, I went to my bed and wore my white tee and black shorts. I lay down and closed my eyes, wishing that it was just all a dream until I fell asleep.

Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now