Second Chance?

888 16 3

Yn Pov:

I woke up in my bed with dextrose in my right hand. I looked around and saw the BTS and anna. I saw a hand held in mine. It was jungkook. Why is he here? I sit up and jungkook woke up.

Jungkook: oh you're awake.

I didn't talk back instead I pulled out my hand out of his grip.

Jungkook: oh I'm sorry for what I said yesterday... I just... don't get it... I thought I loved sana but I was wrong. You're important to me than anybody else. I'm really sorry yn...

He cried for the first time. I touched his cheek and he looked up to me. I smiled.

Yn: it's okay.

Jungkook: can you give me another chance to be your friend again?

Yn: you'll always be kookie-ah.

He smiled and I smiled back.

After several months, jungkook and I got closer. We always make fun with each other. Until he ask me about something.

Jungkook: yn, can you be my girlfriend?

I was shock at first, but why not.

I nodded.

Jungkook: is that a yes?

Yn: yes.

He carried me and spun around.

Jungkook: she said yes!!!

After he spun me around, he put me down slowly and said.

Jungkook: I love you Jagi.

Yn: I love you too kookie...

Times Gone by, they were married and had 2 kids named Junghyun and hyuna. Yn was getting stressed and old too because of her adorable and naughty kids. Jungkook quit being an idol because he wanted to focus on his family. Other members had their own family and anna had 3 kids.

Jungkook and I been together ups and downs. Our relationship stood strong. We promised as death do us part.



Thank you very much for reading my very first story. I hope you liked it. Sorry for the grammars, hope you understand when an author be-like. I was thinking of leaving this story but something came up to my mind and decided to continue this. Sorry if I wrote the plots in just a day, I didn't have much idea. Thank you, thank you thank you!!!


I'm planning to finish my other stories so that i can publish it. Thank you again!

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