confusion and heartache

21 1 0

keiths pov***

is this really lance? it cant be. this is impossible what are the chance this would happen? im being punked right now arent i? 

" Okay, whoever is punking me right now better fess up."

lance, looking confused as a newborn puppy, looked at keith and started to giggle under his breath.

" what are you laughing-" cut off by his own conclusion keith got angry and yanked the tall boy's shirt, pulling lance down to his level.

"i get it you're laughing because i fell for it. haha very funny now whose idea was this huh?"

" no .." lance said trying to speak through his laughter. " no one is punking you right now, at least to my knowledge that is."

keith's face lit up red, with both anger and embarrassment. even though he new lance was probably right about the whole punking thing he was still angry, but this time it had a different reason.

" WHY WOULD YOU LET ME CONTINUE TO EMBARRASS MYSELF IF YOU KNEW THAT???!!!" keith yelled just loud enough to get his point across.

lances laughter stoped right then he was genuinely sorry he had let keith embarrass himself. "im... sorry i made you get angry."

after that apology, keith started to feel sorry he yelled at lance, if it even was lance . no just by his reaction and his eyes i knew it was him, but how could it be that he was right in front of me and didnt see it was me?  i was his best friend. i was like his brother. how did he not remember me?  had it been that long that he forgot?

"hey, look im sorry  i got so angry i.. dont like jokes that play on my emotions especially when its this... look just understand i didnt mean to yell at you." keith said trying to trigger any memory of himself in lances memory.

" no need to apologize. i understand, but why would this be a hurtful joke to -- wait... "

" what?" keith knew exactly what had happened just the, he noticed that it was him it was his best friend from when they were small. keiths face lit up and a smile started to grow.  kieht was so happy he finally had his friend back the rainbow to his storm...

"are you... are you... keeeeeeeeeeeeef?" lance had such a big smile on his face when keith started to glare at lance. lance knew that keith hated that nickname when they were younger. he only did it to piss him off and to lighten the mood.

" so you do remember me? and wipe that grin off of your face if you dont want to get punched it the throat." keith, over the years had mastered a death glare to scare people and to get them to go away. currently giving lance the death glare, he smiled.

" how could i not remember you. we were the closest any two people could be. i knew from when i first saw that hair from the corner of my eye. no one has a mullet anymore, so i knew it had to be you." lance couldnt stop smiling. even though he was making jokes and pretending to not make a big deal out of it.

the boys just stared at each other taking in the looks of each other. realizing this isnt a dream it was real. it was all keith had wished for. every time he saw a shooting star, every time he blew out his birthday candles, every night he wished for lance to come back.

lances pov***

i just cant believe this is real. wait omg i hope he doesnt remember i called him cute earlier. plus i told him in knew it was him so if he does remember then im in trouble. why did it have to slip out like that? he cant know. not yet. i cant let him know i still remember our promise.

lance and keith 6 years of age***

lance and keith were on the roof staring at the stars.

"keith, when we are older... if we arent with anyone would you be with me?" lance looked over at the raven-haired boy whose arm was laying on his stomach.

keith raised his hand vertically, lance did as well. they grasped each other's hands and keith answered.

" yes, lance. i will. because i want to be with you forever." <3

A/N*** im really sorry for the wait, if you even care. i hoped you liked this chapter. and sorry it was so short. as i said last time im under some stress and im trying to push through it. um so i will try to get some more writing time in.  so if you are still enjoying this fanfic thank you and good byeeeee

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