what happened those 3 years ago

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Mainly just some background info om keith's life and maybe a little tiny bit of nsfw stuff but it shouldn't  bother anyone (psh yea like anyone reads this garbage anyway)
On that note enjou :D
<third person veiw>

Keith was done with his homework, which by the way sucked in his opinion.  He kinda liked doing homework.  It gave him something to do, other than stare at the ceiling thinking of people.  And by people, he thought of lance.  Literally 24/7.
(a/n dont we all)  probably not))
Keith laid down on his bed and rolled over to his side. When he checked the clock it read 5:47 pm.  He decided to take a little nap before dinner.

Time skip by yours truly

Keith woke up sweaty and hot.  He got out of bed only to notice it hurt  to walk.  Thats when he noticed his throbbing boner. 
For fucks sake! Now of all times?!
  He walked into the bathroom and delt with his little.. uh friend.
By the time he was done he didnt have time to shower before dinner.

"..th... Eith... Keith!! For once in your life could you be to dinner on time! " shiro yelled from the kitchen.

"Sorry! I.. Uh had to deal with-- something." keith stuttered out.

"well now that you're done with that... Something, can you get your butt to the table? " shiro yelled.  You see shiro is keiths older brother.  They live together.  Shiro is in university and keith is still in hell. Sorry. Highschool.
They love each other. Although, like all siblings,  they have their fights.
Their parents are gone now so they live alone, but they still have each other. No they arent dead,  well one of them isnt.  Keith's mother left shortly after he was born and shiro has never met his mother. They are half-brothers by the way.  Their dad died in a car accident when keith was 14 and shiro was 19. It took a hard toll on keith, especially  because  he was at the prime point in puberty and hormones were always out of control.  And even more so,  keith was diagnosed  with depression only 2 years prior.
So the death of his loving,  supportive father really hurt him.
It had less of a toll on shiro. Not to say he wasnt extremely sad, but he didn't  suffer through depression as well, like keith.  He had more stress than anything. He had to go to university, his tuition and all the house bills, for the house,  and for keith and him to have important stuff, like food and clothing.
Keith felt that everything  had been his fault at that point,   thanks to those pesky voices  that told him so.  He went into major depression and became sucidal by 15. At one point it had gotten so bad that shiro had caught him doing something that broke his heart.


'you know everything that happened : your mom leaving,  your dad dying,  shiro's stress,  everyone's  pain, it was  all your fault' the voice said.

"No! It wasnt i couldnt have stopped her from leaving or dad from dying. Shiro told me everything was not my fault and that we can make it through together!" keith yelled at the blank wall.

'He lied to you.  You know the truth. Everything would be better without you there to ruin everything. Just do it. You know you want to.  Because  you deserve  it.'

It kept pushing and pushing for keith to do the one thing he didnt want to do.  The one thing that would relieve  the insesent itch on his arm.

'Do. It. '

Keith walked over to his drawr and pulled out a pocket knife he had gotten from shiro for his 12th birthday. For 'protection',  but keith really knew it was because  he kept asking and asking. Nagging and nagging to get it.  He still felt terrible for that insesent Nagging.
He walked into the bathroom and locked the door.  He looked at the blade, then his arm,  then to himself in the mirror.  He sighed and sat down  not wanting to look at his 'hideous' face any longer.

He hesitated with the blade so close to his skin. 'do it. You deserve  it. '




All these words got to keith but one put him over the edge.


Keith stopped hesitating and pressed the knife down hard enough to draw blood.  Keith instanly felt a sigh of release escape his lips. It scared him. He  scared him.




Suddenly 3 turned into 5 and 5 turned into 10.
He hadnt noticed when shiro got home because all he could  hear was the voice telling him all the terrible things he had done.
Shiro called out for him,"keith im home" he got no response.  "keith?  Bro where are you? " he heard quiet sobs come from a room upstairs. Shiro walked uo the stairs to see where it was coming from when he saw the bathroom light on. He knocked,  "keith?  Are you okay? "

A tiny stream of blood seeped under the door and onto the carpet.  Shiro realised this and pounded on the door Harder each time he got no response.  Finally he grew tired of this game.  He knocked the door in only to be met with the site of keith lying on the fooor blood pouring from his arm.

You could  see shiro's heart beak instantly.  He quickely grabbed  a towel and wiped off the blood. Hisses couod be heard coming from keith's mouth. Shiro grabbed bandages from the cupboard and wrapped up his little brother's arm.  After he was finished he wrapped keith up in the warmest, biggest, most loving hug and just asked "why."
He and keith broke down and sobbed through the night until finally falling asleep in each other's arms on the bloody bathroom floor.
      End flashbck

Neither of them knew this yet, but they would both save each others' lives in the end.

A/n hope u dont mind how terribly long this took me to write.  I was caught up with season 6 and all that plus its really hard to make both of your charecters depressed and suicidal and not try to delete the world.  Anyway hope u enjoyed this feels fest and the terrible writing u had to go through.
Word count: 1072

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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