That night

11 1 5

Keith's pov*** sorta basically seeing from keith's eyes but not in his mind

Huh? I don't remember my camera being on my desk. I thought it was on my dresser. Who moved it? i saw some brown hair right outside my window and immediately ran towards it. I poked its head and got a response.

'' Heh... hi..." lance said nervously as he tried to get out of the current situation. " um what are you doing here and why is my room cleaner than before I left?" Keith questioned.  " I--I h-have no i-idea what you're talking about...heh.." As the tension built up lance began to slide off of the tiny ledge he was on. " LANCE WAIT DON'T MOVE!!" keith yelled probably waking up the whole neighborhood. " I know you're pissed at me, but please don't yell." lance whimpered as he continued to slide. " NO LANCE SERIOUSLY DON'T MOVE OR SPEAK IT WILL MAKE THINGS WORSE!" Lance looked to his feet in shame and apology. As Lance started to fall Keith's hand shot right out for Lance. keith was pulled out of the window in attempt to grab him. They both ended up falling out of the two story window.

Its not like they haven't before but this time there was no trampoline and they were expected to be smarter than this. When they hit the ground Lance shot right up as if it hadn't just happened and moved towards Keith." Oh my god! Keith are you okay?!? Did you break anything? Let me look." Lance was so worried, scared and sorry that he couldn't help but cry. Keith sat up slowly but surely enough to know that nothing was broken. " Lance I'm okay. there is no need to worry." Keith said assuring Lance that everything was fine, which didn't work at all. " Everything is fine?!!? No everything is not fine! You just fell out of a window!!" lance still crying yelled.  " So did you." keith countered. " Yeah but im not as fragile as you are. You are a smol fragile, emo bean that needs to be protected!" lance STILL crying stated. And keith blushing from Lances words, turned his head away from lance in an attempt to hide the fact. Lance took it the wrong way and thought he was mad at him so he quickly moved closer to keith and hugged him tight trying to apologize. " Keeeeiiitthhh Imm sooo sooorrryyy." lance said while he was STILL CRYING. keith finally noticed the tears, because he felt something wet seeping through his shirt. He turned to lance putting away his pride, because he was blushing even more with the physical contact. He took lances hand and got him to look up. " lance I'm not mad at you so please stop crying." keith said with his previously stated angelic tone. Lance looked straight up resisting his urge to just kiss and hug this boy. lance noticed something happening and he became red and his body was hot. He quickly backed away from keith and ran home.

lance's thought***

Holy shit! I can't believe that just happened. Oh Jesus Christ. I can't believe i just got hard f--for... keith? I mean he's hot, but adorably innocent as well. And he is so kind, but angsty. And he is just so....Keith. Who wouldn't get hard for that? I just can't think about it anymore. I just have to get home quickly.

Keith's thought***

What did I do?  Was it because i held him in my arms? But he did look really cute tonight. Stupid lance why did you have to be so.... cute and lovable and--and YOU? Ugh why did i have to fall for Lance?

a/n i am so so sorry for not writing for so long i kinda forgot and didnt want to put something terrible out so i thought of just not writing anymore, but here i am writing. i hope you guys liked this chapter i thought i'd give a little treat as an apology. once again sorry

Discontinued Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora