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So basically Lance and Keith had been friends since they were little, but Lance had to move away. Even after he promised Keith he would always be there.

Lance grew up away from Keith - depressed because of that and got into self harm and had suicidal thoughts. He blocked out many many emotions and never let anyone in.  He didnt want to hurt or get hurt by anyone.
  Lance's parents noticed this and decided to look for work back in his - technically ( because he was born in cuba but moved to Canada)- hometown. 
  Since he was forced to go to school  he decided to start fresh and try to not let anyone know about his... 'Issues' - as his parents would say- and just be that postitive, Care-free Lance  everyone expected him to be. That is until Keith showed up as his guide through the school.
  Keith could see through the act because, well he's been through it before-not as severly as Lance  but still. So out of instinct and well basic human decency, he hugged Lance trying to make him feel better. Not knowkng that he would fall so hard so fast for the tall cuban boy.  And the tall cuban boy didnt know he would fall that fast either.
   That night Lance  got an idea about how to know more about the guy, even though it was insane,he did it anyway. So his plan was to sneak into Keith's  room and look around. He thought it wasnt crazy beacause he remembered when they were little and he used to do this all the time. (although that was 11 years ago and back then it was adorable,  now it was kinda creepy. He had entered the room through the surpirsingly, and dangerously, open window on the second story.
When he finally settled his feet to the floor of the room he was hit with an excessive amount of cringe. The type of cringe only nest freaks could have, because god!  Was Keith's room a mess.  Out of instinct  Lance  cleaned it. Placing everything where it looked like it should have been and the expensive looking camera on his black, wooden, desk. Lance heard footsteps inching closer to the room. He knew it had to be Keith. He quickly hoped back out through the window he entered in, onto the tiny bit of roof there was beneath his feet.
Keith entered the room and was shocked at the level of neatness that engulfed it. He had never cleaned his room  so well before so he was obviously confused at the sight befoee his eyes.  Then Keith  glanced at his open window as an instinct  due to the breeze he felt comming through.  He spotted a bit of brown hair just above the window seal. He almost imediatly knew it was Lance.

Okay there you go i really tried to recap what i was trying ,but failed miserably at. I hope you liked the idea i had tried to portray. If not, okay just dont read it anymore. Thank  you for reading my trash and goodbyeee

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