The Batmobile Incident Part 2

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Chapter 2: The Batmobile Incident Part 2

(Later,in the Batcave)

Nightwing: (to Robin and Batgirl) you guys have any idea how to pay for the damages to the Batmobile?

*Wondergirl and Supergirl appear out of nowhere*

Wondergirl: I told you already,we hack into Green Arrow's bank account and use the money to pay for the damages.

Batgirl,Nightwing,and Robin: HOW DID YOU GET IN?!?!?!?

Supergirl: It's a secret.

Batgirl: -_-' So...we're going to hack into Green Arrow's bank account,and by "we" I mean Robin,Nightwing,and me,since I know that's what you're going to do anyway.

Wondergirl: Yes,and I am going gangsta,u know what I'm sayin?

Supergirl: YAY!

Nightwing: (to Wondergirl) Don't go "gangsta" unless you want me to arrest you,and no,we have no idea what you're saying.

Robin: (to Supergirl and Wondergirl) Why do we hang out with you two?

Batgirl: (to Robin) Because we do.

Wondergirl: Dang it! Someone ate all the ice cream! Who did it?

*Supergirl hides a spoon*

Wondergirl: Supergirl...

Supergirl: WHAT!?!?!?!?

Wondergirl: Suspicious...

Robin: -_-' Let's just hack into Green Arrow's bank account already.

Batgirl and Nightwing: We're actually doing that?

Robin: How else are we going to pay for the damages?

Wondergirl: Yes let's hack it already.

Supergirl: YAY!!!!! :) :) :) :) :)

Wondergirl: And make sure Green Arrow will never suspect it was us.

Supergirl: I know how to do that...

Supergirl: (to Wondergirl) Has anything gone missing in your house recently?

Wondergirl: Why?


Wondergirl: Yes...

Nightwing: 0_0 Um...I think I should hack into the account (goes to the Batcomputer) Done!

Batgirl: (to Nightwing) 0_0 You're done already?

Nightwing: Yep,and I made it look like a random hobo did it.

*Wondergirl laughs*

Wondergirl: You're such a genius.

Nightwing and Supergirl: Thank you.

Nightwing: You do realize the hobo will probably go to jail, right?

Supergirl: ...No comment.

Wondergirl: No evidence and no witness,unless Supergirl confesses to Superman.

Supergirl: (talking about Superman) I stole his money a few times already.

Wondergirl: Ridiculous

Supergirl: He's too stupid.

Robin: 0_0 Okay...Now what do we do?

Wondergirl: Aren't we suppose to be stopping crimes or something?

Supergirl: I guess.

Nightwing: Yep,and I was doing that until you guys came along.

Robin: (to Nightwing) You need a vacation.

*Random noise in the background*

Wondergirl: What the fudge is that?Is it a bird?

Supergirl: IT'S A PIZZA!

Wondergirl: (realizes it's someone) No it's...RUN!!

Nightwing: I'M NOT HERE!!


Superman: (faintly) SUPERGIRL!!!

Supergirl: I'M AT HOME!!! *leaves*

*Wondergirl uses her lasso to catch Supergirl and gets a free ride :)*

*Robin,Nightwing,and Batgirl throw smoke bombs at their feet*

Robin,Nightwing,and Batgirl: SEE YA!!! *disappear*

To be continued...

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