Chapter 5

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I stand in front of her house, actually our house. My hands are shaking and my breath rises. Ruggero stayed at his and Cande's house. He said I should do this alone.

Only Lodo and Cande are with Tini. I slowly lift up my hand and hold it in front of the bell. I move forward and press the bell as a loud sound is heard.
I hear someone opening the lock and then the door. I see her gorgeous face standing in front of me.

Her eyes are full with tears. She freezes when she sees me. "J-jo-" She starts but then suddenly faints.

I quickly catch her before she falls. My hands under her back, holdind her steady. "Cande, Lodo! Help!" I scream as immediatly they come running in.

"Jorge!? What are you doing here jerk!?" Lodo immediatly screams while walking up to me. Cande holds her back and calms her down.

"Ruggero told you" I say to Cande as she nods while giving me a small smile.

"I will explain it to you later Lodo. What happened?" She looks at me and Tini again.

"Well, she saw me standing here and then fainted. I catched her on time" Cande walks over to us and looks at Tini.

"Let's lay her on the couch"

"Cande wait" I say as she turns around. "Can I hold her? When she wakes up she will be mad, so can I please hold her for now?" I ask, hope all over my face.

"Yeah, I get you. Lay her head just on your lap, I will explain everything to Lodo" I nod and lay Tini down on my lap on the couch. Cande and Lodo walk to the kitchen.

I just look at her, admiring her face. Cande and Lodo walk back in, Lodo smiles this time.

"I forgive you Jorge, I get why you did it now. I'm still a bit mad, but I do forgive you" I smile thankfully at her.

"Thanks Lodo, that means a lot" I feel Tini move a bit as I start to panick.

"She is waking up, what do I need to do!" I say while panicking. I try to stand up but Cande pushes me softly back.

"Calm down, just be there. This is your chance to tell her what happened." Cande says as she grabs Lodo's hand and walks upstairs.

I see Martina's eyes open slowly. She blinks a few times as she sees me. "Jorge? What are you doing here!?" She sounds mad. She immediatly gets off my lap and sits straight.

"Why are you here jerk!?" She shouts madly and wants to stand up. I grab her arms and pull her back.

"Please just let me explain" I say hopeless, hoping on a yes.

"No Jorge! Do you think I forgot what you did to me!? You just left me and Sophia all alone! I haven't done amything since you left Jorge. You broke me. Every single piece of me is torn apart. Only Sophia can make me smile" She says harshly and gets out of my grip. She walks away but turns around just before she walks up the stairs.

I see tears in her eyes. "Don't even dare to come near Sophia" She says and walks upstairs.

I quickly run outside while crying heavily.

I broke her.

She is totally right, I'm a jerk who made her cry. I walk back to Ruggero and open the door.

"And?" He immediatly asks when he hears the door open.

"I'm a fool, a fool who lost his soulmate" Ruggero comes in with a shocked face. "She didn't even let me talk"

"Jorge don't give up yet! Of course she is mad and doesn't talk with you, but never give up on her. She needs time and space, that's logical. But you need to keep trying to explain it, she needs to know." I nod my head in guilt.

"I know, and I will go back. But it just hurts, knowing that she doesn't want me near her or Sophia" He pats my back while giving me a soft smile.

"She will forgive you, she loves you a lot. You can sleep on the couch tonight, Cande is coming home in a bit" I give him a thankful smile while putting some blanckets and pillows on the couch.

I lay down as I hear Cande coming in. Ruggero and her talk for a while and then walk past me. "Goodnight Jorge" Cande says as they walk into their own bedroom.


I stand in front of the door of her house again. I press the bell softly, nerves are send through my body. I hear the door open and see her face again. Tears stain on her cheecks.

Her face immediatly turns angry whej she sees me. "Get out" She says harshly and tries to slam the door shut, but I hold my foot in front of it.

"Please Tini" She looks down while shaking her head. Some tears fall on the ground from her eyes.

"Precious?" I ask, hoping she will let me talk. Her head immediatly looks up again.

"I can't Jorge, I can't" She says sadly and wants to close the door. Cande suddenly appears behind her, holding her hands in front of the door so she can't close it.

"Cande? What are you doing!?" She says angrily.

"Let him explain Tini, it's worth it" Cande remains calm, just like Ruggero always does.

"Are you on his side now!?" Tini screams angrier this time.

"No, no, I'm not. I just want you to be happy" Tini's eyes almost spit fire, as she runs angrily past me, going outside. 

I run onto the streets, leaving Jorge and Cande at my house. I run through the streets until I reach Cande and Ruggeros house.

I knock on the door as Ruggero opens it. Tears are all over my face. "Hey how- Tini? What happened?" He says as he notices my tears.

"J-jorge" I say softly as Ruggero nods and lets me in. I sit down on the couch, trying to calm down.

Ruggero places his hand on my back. "Tini, before I tell you something you need to know that I'm on your side. I will support you because I know Jorge did wrong." I nod my head slowly, knowing that I'm going to get a lecture about Jorge.

"I know Jorge is a stupid jerk, but I can explain what happened. After Stephie broke his heart, Jorge turned into an asshole. He only cared about himself and money. But his fans kwpt trusting him and giving him lots of love. That's what changed him into a better person. And then you came, you changed him even better. I thought he would never change back.

But he did, he didn't know what to do si he clinged to the past again. He changed back into an asshole. But you are the only one who can change him so he won't ever turn back. He needs you more than ever. He really loves you and always cares about you. He is angry at himself for being such a fool. You don't have to forgive him, or be with him again. Please just talk to him, be his friend" I feel tears rolling all over my face.

"Really?" I ask softly.

"Yes, really Tinita" He says while stroking my back softly. I hug Ruggero tightly.

"Thanks for telling me, I need to fix something" I release from the hug and run out of the house.

I run back to my house and knock impatiently on the door. Cande opend the door as I quickly rush inside. I see him crying on the couch, as I immediatly stop in my tracks.

<Te amo>

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