chapter 15

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I slowly open my eyes as I feel a body keeping me warm. I look up and see my handsome guy laying above me.

"Goodmorning mrs Blanco" He suddenly says as I giggle softly.

"I love having your lastname" I tell him whilr smiling.

"I love you" He says as I laugh.

His hands searches for mine as he laces our fingerd. A feeling of happiness streams through my body.

"Come on, we need to get up. Today we're going home. Your tour is almost starting" He says as I nod slightly.

"Let's go" I respond as I leave his warm chest. I walk to the closet and grab my clothes.

A black skirt with a light blue top above it. I put them on and walk back to our bedroom.

Two arms twist themselves around my waist and a soft kiss is placed in my neck.

"Ready?" He asks as I giggle and nod.

He releases his arms from my waist as his hand forms around mine. I grab my suitcase with my other hand as we walk out of the hotel.

"I've had the best time, especially with you" I tell Jorge, before we get into the cab.

"Me too precious, me too" He repeats as we then get into the cab.

We drive to the airport and get out. We walk onto the airport and go to buy some food.

We sit down on a chair as we eat our food. I can't believe how she can be beautiful even when she eats.

Suddenly 5 girls come running up to me, totally hyped. "Jorge! Jorge!" They scream excitedly and stand in front of me. I laugh as I see Tini laughing as well.

"Hey, want an autograph?" I ask calmly as they all nod excitedly.

I sign their pictures as they smile happily. "I love you so much" One of the girls says as I glance to Tini.

A slight bit of jealousy is seen in her eyes but it dissapears quickly.

She never likes it when girls tell that to me, even though it are fans. Just because she knows that's how we started dating, and she is scared that it will happen with another fan as well.

I think that it's adorable. It means she doesn't want to lose me.

"I love you guys too" I chuckle back and slightly look at Tini again. The jealousy is again seenable in her eyes.

The girls smile happily and walk away from me, giggling to each other. I look at Tini who just continues eating her light brown sandwich.

"Don't be jealous, I only love you" I tell her and slide closer to her.

"I know, but I can't help it. It's just that you're so handsome, every girl could fall for you" I laugh lightly at her words. I place my arm around her shoulder and kiss her head.

"But you're the most beautiful, so I won't fall for any of those other girls" I whisper in her left ear. A light pink colour appears on her cheecks.

She slowly starts eating her food again as I do the same.

A few minutes later we can get in the airplane as we sit down on our seats. For a second she looks out the window but then turns to me.

"I'm happy to go back to everyone again, but I'm going to miss our alone time" She lets out her adorable giggle after she spoke the words.

"For me the same" I say and smile softly.

Her head falls on my shoulder, her brown hairs all over me. I smile and look at the gorgeous human being laying on me.

I don't know what I did to have someone this incredible. She is so down to earth, so adorable, so beautiful, she is everything.

I smile bright again and then close my eyes as well, waiting for us to land in Buenos Aires.


"Wake up precious" I whisper in her ear and place a kiss under it.

Her eyes fall open as they shockingly look around. "Are we here?" She asks with widened eyes as I nod softly.

"Yes precious, we landed" I tell her as she shows off a smile.

"Let's get out" She replies as I nod. We stand up from our seats and grab our bags.

We walk onto the airport of Buenos Aires and wait for our suitcases. After a few minutes our suitcases arrive as we take them.

Suddenly I see my parents standing there with Sophia standing next to them holding my mom's hand, smiling happily. I take Tini's hand and walk with her to them.

"Mom! Dad!" I happily say and hug them both. Tini immediatly lifts Sophia up and takes her in her arms.

"I missed you mommy, and daddy too" Sophia speaks as me and Tini smile.

"We missed you too sweety" Tini says and kisses her head.

"Son! How was you're honeymoon?" My mom asks me while winking at me. I shoot her a death glare as Tini starts laughing and Sophia copies her.

"It was amazing, Jorge take good care of me" Tini responds to my mom while still laughing slightly.

"That's great sweetheart, let's take you two home now. You both look exhausted." Tini nods as I do the same.

I take Tini's suitcase as well as we follow my parents to the car. I put the suitcases in the car and we sit down on the backseats.

The whole ride my parents keep asking questions as I keep shooting them death glares. Tini has almost died from laughter the whole ride because of my answers.

Sophia is happily telling stories about what she did when we weren't here. She is almost 3 now and cuter than ever.

We finally arrive home as we say goodbye to mom and dad and walk inside the house. It's already late so Tini immediatly tucks Sophia in her bed.

I smile and put our suitcases on our bedroom. I unpack both of them and wait until Tini is ready with Sophia.

"Goodnight daddy" I hear her soft voice says as she slowly walks into out bedroom, holding tight onto Tini's hand.

"Goodnight sweetheart, daddy will lay you in bed" I reply and lift her in my arms.

"You go shower, I know you're tired." I tell Tini as she gives me a thankful smile.

With Sophia I walk to her bedroom. I lay her down on her bed as she gives me a kiss. "Goodnight" I whisper as she already closed her eyes.

I smile and turn off the light. I walk to my and Tini's bedroom and lay under the covers, waiting for her.

<Today's my birthday!!💘>

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