The Author

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I have to be honest, I don't know how far I will go with this book. I often have bouts of severe depression and can barely bring myself to do day-to-day tasks let alone write in a book. But I can say I'll try my best!

My name is Abbie, my pronouns are singular "they/them/their", I am a black person that only likes to wear black things (or things with skulls on them), and I am a pro-cursing Christian witch that dabbles in hoodoo.

"A witch? There's no such thing as magic!" It does not matter if you don't believe in supernatural things, we still exist! Besides, there are witches who don't believe in supernatural things as well. I am a witch that worships the Christian god and there is nothing you can do to stop me, hah!

"How can you be a witch if you're Christian?!" A good question indeed. You see, my dear reader, there is a common misconception that I should put straight early on... Witchcraft is NOT a religion. Witchcraft is a practice, and it can be practiced by anyone of any religion. AND, Wicca =/= Witchcraft. Wicca is a religion that was started around the 50's, witchcraft goes back way, way, WAY farther

So yes, I am a Christian witch. I have an alter to my god in my room, I play with tarot cards, I suck on crystals (not joking btw. I put my clear quartz in my mouth. Always research your crystals before putting it in your mouth though!), I draw sigils, and I do other witchy stuff! This book is mostly about setting my thoughts into order, sorta like a diary. I may post things like notes from my grimoire and spells that have worked for me, but that won't be the main focus. The main focus will generally be things like explaining what witchcraft is, cultural appropriation running rampant in the witchcraft and Wiccan community (this may feel like an attack on you if you know you do this, but please think of what people like me think and feel too. I'm a black person that has to watch hoodoo and vodou be bastardized and treated as "black/evil magic used by evil people", and then used by non-black practitioners to look edgy and cool. That folk magic was crafted and handed down from the blood, sweat, and tears of my ancestors! If a practice is from Africans, please listen to Africans on the subject. If a practice is from native Americans, please listen to native Americans on the subject. Etcetera. Too many of us have asked other practitioners to stop appropriating a practice they've shown to know very little about, only to get the standard reply of "OMG stop telling me how to practice! Stop policing MY magic!! You just don't understand!!!") basic crystals for beginners, things in the home that can be used in the craft, etc.

I don't exactly look forward to letting this book go and never updating, so I'll try not to XD

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