Craig of the Creek + Spell!

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Craig of the creek is the name of a cartoon I currently like a lot, so of course when someone mentioned lesbian goth witches in the show I had to drop the homework that's due tomorrow to run and watch the episode I missed.

Besides that, it also reminded me to record a spell before I forgot!

Ingredients: -Dried Bay Leaf/leaves
-item you would keep close to yourself such as a piece of jewelry (preferably not something you'd put into a piercing or other open skin/flesh)
-Fire safe bowl
-Pen or marker
-Water nearby just in case

Steps and purpose: First, take as many bay leaves as you need and write down a wish of yours on them, making sure to word the wish carefully to avoid loopholes or possible unwelcome outcomes. Second, place your leaves inside of the fire safe bowl, get your chosen item that will be charmed, and then light the bay leaves on fire. Feel free to say a prayer to your diety(ies) before lighting them. Once the leaves start to put off smoke, hold your item in the smoke and wave it through a few times. Then activate and charge like a regular charm!
I'm not sure if anyone would actually use this, but I'm starting to write spells that aren't curses for once and this is one. If you do practice with fire, I hope I wouldn't need to tell you to practice safely and take precautions! Fire is beautiful, admittedly things on fire is beautiful to me as well, but nevertheless, setting things on fire is a no-go! (Also watch Craig of the creek if you can, please, it's on cartoon network)

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