My spells

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Ive been learning to come up with a variety of spells lately, and what I mean by the word "spell" is almost the same as "recipe", not "spoken incantation".

While I do write stories, I don't know how to write spells very well, so my intent tends to get muddled up quickly and I end up confused, hah.
I'm currently working on a money spell based on an old spell I saw about blessing change, and, as a way to sort of honor my ancestors, everything in the spell that isn't the loose change and intent is optional. As in, you don't have to have the ingredients I list, just the loose change and intent is enough to make it work. And even then you don't need specifically change, just an item to enchant to make money become attracted to it. My ancestors had to often make something from nothing, so I don't want any of my spells to be strictly super complicated or expensive, I want for anyone to be able to do them even if they have nothing.

That idea is very important to me, like I said before, I do think that when a certain spell calls for a specific thing and says you can't substitute it that ingredients can be important, but they aren't everything. And if a spell can't work out for you then it's more than okay to do something that does work for you.

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