Mini sand garden

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From my understanding of them and how they can be used, sand gardens are for both aesthetic and stress relief. They can be decorated how you like and arranged according to your feelings in the day, and different tools can be made out of wire to make different patterns in the sand. It also doesn't have to specifically be sand. Salt tends to be quite cheap in bulk, so you could also make one with salt instead of sand and keep it in your room to cleanse the area. And, granted you do a little research to make sure it won't erode inside of the salt, you could decorate the salt garden with possibly crystals.

The supplies for one would revolve around a nice & wide bowl, decorations, some wire and toothpicks to make the tools, and something to act as the sand. My favorite thing about it is that I can make it based on what I have around the house and the sand at the beaches in my neighborhood, doing what I can with what I have is important to my craft. And writing sigils in the sand is fun for me as well, and I can so that with this rather easily.

But, if you make it out of salt, be sure to change out the salt once it begins to clump up from moisture in the environment and change it out regularly for hygiene.

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