New friends and what am I?

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     2 weeks later
Harry's POV:

     "Wow"Draco said as he stared wide mouthed at a boy.They had just arrived at the leaky cauldron for lunch when they saw him.Skinny,purple eyed,chocolate brown hair."yeah"I said.After all it's not every day you come across a purple eyed guy."um"he said."oh yeah my names Harry and this is Draco who are you?""my name is Neville"he said."nice name"Draco said."do you want to come with us?""sure!"Neville said."cool".We apparated back to the house(the mountains)."WOW!"Neville shouted."yeah I know"Draco said at the same time as me.I showed him to his room."Fangar?"I called."yes Harry"he said."I found a boy named Neville"."really well I found a boy named Blaise show him to a room won't you?""okay"I said then I saw him black hair,dark brown eyes."come with me"I told him."okay".

3 years later
Harry's POV:

    We are 13 now and we have recruited lots of other people.I"ll be 11 in 3......2.....1
I gasp as searing pain goes through my body.I pass out from all the pain.

I wake up 2 hours later."ow"I wispher.I get up and look at my self in the mirror.I gasp and look into the mirror harder and rub my eyes.There are huge black dragon wings on my back,my left eye is now red then goes to yellow,then my right eye goes from neon green to dark blue, my hair is now pitch black and I have two pitch black wolf ears and a tail to match.And to add to the surprises I have two huge red horns in my hair and some red streaks in my hair and then to top it all off I have little red horns on the back of my arms that go from the start of my armpit to the bottom of my wrist.huh another tail just appeared and it is a dragon-like tail with a scorpion barb on the end and I have two huge fangs in my mouth.I walk out of my bedroom and suddenly feel the need to get my guitar I bought some time ago.I run to get it and plug it into the outlet.(it's an electric guitar).I strum for a few minutes before I really start to play and man does it sound good.Then a shout rings through the house and I stop and run to the sound. It is Draco I stop and stare.The left eye is amber and the right is grey and light blue.He has pure white ears and a tail and feathered wings on his back he has tiny fangs in his mouth."woah"I hear Neville say I turn to him and my eyes widen.He has light brown wolf ears and a tail,the left eye is purple and the right is amber.He has furry bat-like wings on his back and tiny fangs sticking out of his mouth.

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