The Battle

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Harry's POV:
"What?"I say thinking this could be bad but when I turn around I see Blaise.He still has dark brown eyes just with amber flecks in them he still has black hair just it is a little longer."Harry there is a stranger outside the house and Fangar doesn't know him".wow I think."ok let's go see""ok""we walk down the stairs and to the front door where we see Fangar under some stranger."I win now you must leave!"he says.Fangar leave? I shake my head no that can't be right.but just as I think that Fangar gets up and says"very well you won fair and square""yes I did now then if anyone else wishes to leave you may but know this if you leave your family will be killed that means your parents grandparents siblings boyfriends or girlfriends will be killed."That's when I notice that Draco was there looking shocked."I am going"says Blaise."me too"says Neville.Draco looks at me with a sorry look and says"I guess I will go as well".no,NO this can't be happening!But I watch as Fangar says goodbye to every one and leaves along with Draco Neville and Blaise.

6 years later
Harry's POV:
In the six years Fangar has been gone things changed a lot.we have lots of new rules and I don't like any of them.
1.If you come from a light family you will be killed.
2.If you come from a grey family that I do not approve of you will be killed.
3.If you marry or date a light wizard or creature or muggle\muggleborn you will be killed no matter what the ministry or others say.
4.If you go to Hogwarts any earlier than 16 years old you will be killed.
5.If you are a squib or don't have a lot of magic you will be killed.
6.If you are muggleborn you will be killed.
7.If you have your magic bound or it is taken from you,you will be killed.
8.You are to have no contact with light wizards unless necessary even if they are family if you get letters from light wizards you are to burn them or tear them immediately.This goes for grey wizards I don't approve of as well.
9.If you have an element or,creature inheritance you are not allowed to use it unless I say so or in battle.
10.If you refuse any of these rules you will be killed.Also if you do not do the job I give you,you will be killed.

As I read the rules again I sighed.These rules were cruel and gave us hardly and freedom.I hope Draco Neville Blaise and Fangar are doing better than me.I hear the bell ring which means it's time to report to your job.I have one of the hardest job is running on a treadmill that powers the whole place 24/7.Which means I have to run 6 hours just to get a day of electricity.

Narrators POV:
Little did he know that the next day would change his life and many others forever.

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