A new girlfreind

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Harry's POV:
I walk to the ROR.I need to sort out my problems.The virus Joseph injected me with is acting up again.I walk into the room and shut the door I drop my glamoros and fly around for a while before I hear someone opening the door I hide behind a pile of junk.I watch a Mia Hermione and Ginny walk in and they are all crying"I can't believe I was so stupid!"Ginny shouts"I can't believe I was either""me either"Hermione says.I knew Ginny had been dating dean Tomas and Mia had been dating Seamus Finnigin and Hermione had been dating Ronald.I walk up behind them in the shadows clutching my journal.It has all my secrets and their birth certificates in it and my own.I say"weaslette,Granger,And younger Granger""what are you doing here wolf?!"Ginny says nastyly"I am here because I can be why are you here?""because I can be"Ginny says"yeah because we can be"Hermione and Mia say together.I roll my eyes before I came out I put my glamours back on.I walk back to my junk pile and jump up to the top and stare at them."what?"Ginny says she would never admit but she kind of liked Wolf.She only admitted it to Hermione and Mia when they admitted who they liked.hermione likes Malfoy and Mia likes her older brother Fred.I continue to stare at them.He would never admit to anyone but he likes weaslette.He only admitted it when Draco said he like Hermione and Blaise said he likes pansy.He continued to stare at them till his sisters fell asleep and Ginny was tired but still looked at him."you know you should go to sleep weaslette you look tired""And let you yawn do something to us while we are sleeping not a chance""why would I do anything to you while your sleeping?""Because your a slytherin and slytherin a do that kind of stuff well at least that's what Ron says""Well some do that but me and my group don't""how do I know your telling the truth?""give me vitesurum""I don't have any""Well I do"I jump off the pile and walk towards her and shove some down her throat and say"now who do you like?""I like Harry wolf""what?you like me?""yes""wow"the vitesirum wears off and she shouts"why did you do that?!""because I wanted to know""why?""because I like you too""you do?really""yes"she smiles and kisses me.I smile at her and lay down.She lays against me and falls asleep.I smile at her and then fall asleep.
I wake up and she is still there and still asleep.Thank goodness it's Saturday or we would be late for lessons they start at 8:30 and it's 9:00.I nudge her and she mumbles"what"it's 9:00 you need to wake up before people get suspicious""what!9:00 are you serious?""yes but it's Saturday""oh ok"she says getting up"PGA Danone more thing""yes?""do you want to be my girlfriend?""yes!""cool"I say also getting up.Ginny wakes up Hermione and Mia they immediately send me a glare.I role my eyes"what is he still doing here?""oh he's my new boyfriend"Ginny replies calmly"what?!"they both say"yeah"I say"now it's 9:00 so get your butts up off the floor and get going before people start to get suspicious""It's 9:00!We are late for lessons!""It's Saturday you idiots!"I say slapping my forehead than I remember a rule that half my pack has died from no dating or marring light muggle born wizards or you die and that goes for grey wizards I don't approve of and dark wizards I don't like.I sigh I am going to get killed.

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