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If you guys are wondering what happened, I'll tell you.

So basically me and my friends got into a fight. It was a one-sided fight.

Started on monday, lasted for about a day.

I didn't talk to them on tuesday AT ALL! I even ditched them during lunch.

Then after school my friend apologized, I forgave her.

I expected everything to be fine after that, but it wasn't.

On wednsday, I sat with them at lunch.

They asked me "Are we allowed to talk to you"

I said "Yeah"

That's all said during lunch, nothing else.

Thursday was the exact same thing over again, they didn't say a word to me.

It happend again today!

I sat next to them at lunch, they were just having a conversation AND I'M PRETTY SURE THEY DIDN'T NOTICE I WAS EVEN THERE!

They probably hate me now.....

So far 2018 is starting to be shit.


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