KKPALM SHORTS: Musical chairs!

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By the way, "KKPALM shorts" is a series I made up. It's basically just fanfiction, but with no story arc. Anyway, Enjoy!

At Yukari's ninth birthday party.

"Okay Everyone let's play musical chairs next" said Yukari.

"Alright, But afterwards Yukari can you open my gift? I got you something you'll really like" said Akira.

"Okey-dokey!" exclaimed Yukari.

"Let me put on some music!" said Aoi

"I'll set up chairs!" said Himari.

"Set up five chairs" said Ciel.

*After chairs are set up*

"Alright Aoi play the music! Then, ☆Let's la! play musical chairs☆" said Ichika.

Aoi plays "blue sky alright" (I'm not including continunity in here by the way)

Ichika, Himari, Ciel, Yukari, and Akira walk around the chairs. Aoi stops the music. Everyone sits down.

"Now time to take away a chair" said Yukari.

Aoi takes one chair away. She plays the music again. All of them walk around the chairs. Aoi stops the music. Everyone gets a chair.........except Ichika.

"Why am I so unlucky?" asked Ichika.

"It's okay Ichika-chan, you did your best!" said Himari

Akira then pushes a chair away. Aoi plays the music again. They walk around the chairs. Aoi stops the music. This time Himari doesn't get a chair.

"Awww. Oh well" says Himari.

"*chuckles* I am close to winning this" says Yukari.

"No I am" said Akira.

The two go back and fourth arguing. Finally Ciel tells them to ZIP IT!

"Silencieux!" said Ciel.

Aoi takes away a chair.Aoi please the music again the girls walk around the chairs once more then Aoi stops the music. Ciel doesn't get a chair.

"Ohhhh, I was so close!" cried Ciel.

"Well Kenjou, I guess it's just you and me" said Yukari.

"You're on" said Akira.

"There is only one chair left. Whoever get's it, WINS" said Aoi.

Aoi plays the music for the last time. Yukari and Akira walk around the chair. Aoi stops the music. But Yukari and Akira BOTH get in the chair at the same time. But Yukari is actually sitting on Akira's lap (LAWL!)

"Um Yukari?" said Akira as she was blushing.

Yukari looks at Akira to only relise she was sitting on her lap 😱😱😱

"AHHHHH! A-Akira! S-sorry" said Yukari as she blushed.

"It's okay..." said Akira.

Her face was red as her hair.

"Welp, I guess you both won that one" said Aoi.

Ichika, Himari and Ciel laugh.

Afterwards the girls eat cake after they sing "happy birthday".

"Hey Akira?" called Yukari.

"Yeah?" asked Akira.

"What was that present you were gonna give me?" asked Yukari.

"Oh, that" said Akira.

Then Akira reaches in her pocket and pulls out a *Insert June birthstone name here (Lol IDK what it is)* ring.

"Here it is" said Akira as she smiled.

"*gasp* Akira it's beautiful and it's my birthstone!" said Yukari.

"Yeah I knew you would like it" said Akira.

"Thank you Akira"

Yukari then leans in and hugs Akira. Akira is wide eyed, then hugs her back. (I would make'em kiss....but in this case they're like nine lol)



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