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It is hilarious!

It happened when I was in 4th grade.

Note: 4th grade was hell for me

So during recess in 4th grade we stayed inside. Some kids were playing on the computers, others were drawing. We had a substitute that day. That was like.......the worst substitute ever. She didn't even know what she was doing. She didn't pay attention to what any of the kids were doing. So it's like there wasn't a teacher in the room. Me and my friends wanted to pretend to play "school" for recess (We're so childish). If we were gonna play school, we needed bean bags to sit on (In the classroom there were bean bags as alternative seating). Me and my friends wanted the bean bags. But these boys and one girl wanted the bean bags. There were three bean bags, me and my friends had one, the other group had two. We tried to get the other two because we called them first. But they refused to give it to us. They accidently drop the bean bags. Me and my friends pick them. They tried to snatch it from us, we dodged, so they chased us around the classroom, people at the computers were staring, laughing, smiling, trying to wonder what was going on. While the "B team" (I'mma call 'em that) were chasing us we knocked down chairs, cups of pencils, desks, stuff on the white board, EVEN THE COMPUTER CART!!!!! Then the chasing turned into hitting. The b team kicked us and hit us so we kicked them back, they snatched the bean bag, then we chased them around the classroom knocking more stuff down. The sub didn't even notice a single thing. When recess was almost over, we tried to get the bean bags back again. One of the members of the "B team" got them. So one of my friends tried to get them. The other members of the "B team" tried to fight me and my other friends once more. When we weren't looking, we heard a BIG SLAM! It turned out that one of the boys from the "B team" literally SLAMMED my friend to the ground with a bean bag. My friend was a girl btw. YOU CAN'T HIT GIRLS 😠😠😠! When the sub finally found out, she was literally so chill about it, like WTF. There is stuff all over the floor, and she was chill 😑. If our real teacher was there, she would've eaten our souls. I'm surprised no one bothered to snitch to the sub.

But lemme tell ya


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