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This was when we were writing songs as our project. I'll be introducing new people.


Ben: Listen to this song I made. *Hands me his headphones*

Me: *Puts on headphones and listens to music* No way, this sounds to good to be your music.

Ben: *gasps* I am offended!

Me: It's true........you didn't make that.....

Ben: You don't know what I'm capable of!

Me: I know you're not capable of that.

He actually didn't make that.

Me: Hey Faith, can I listen to your music?

Faith: No I'm making improvements.

Me: Can you listen to mine?

Faith: *ignores me*

HoW rUdE

Kyle: *Listens to Faith's music* It sucks.

Faith: Hey! I worked really hard!

Morgan: Maybe you shouldn't put so many rests in it.

Faith: Do you guys have anything nice to say?!

Morgan: I wasn't trying to be mean.

Faith: ..........Yeah you were.

Kyle: It's called criticism, you gotta learn how to take it. Especially when you show professionals your music.

Me: Can you listen to mine now?

Faith: No, it's garbage I can tell.

Me: You haven't listened to it yet!

Kyle: I would never call anyone's music garbage before even listening to it......unless it's Faith's.

These people are so mean........

The next story, Ben actually composes music HIS SELF!

Ben: Listen to this.

Me: *Listens to it* Complete garbage, very horribly arranged. And why is it named "Boom!"?!

Ben: Because you gotta FEEL DA BOOM!

Me: ........

Ben: *goes to Kyle and Faith* Listen to this.

Faith: It sounds sloppy.....

Ben: You're just jealous

Kyle: Ben, not all music will sound catchy just because you put drums in it.

Ben: But how can you feel the boom if there's no............BOOM!

Kyle: Oh my god.......

Ben: You gotta feel the boom Kyle, FEEL THE BOOM! That's the point of boom.

I have no words.

Me: *Goes up to my "friend" Alex* Hey what are you composing? Beethoven? (Excuse me if I spelled that wrong)

Alex: No.

Me: What instrument did you use? A viola?

Alex: No I used first violin and second violin.

Me: I was gonna use cello, but I didn't like the way it sounded on this app, so I just used the piano.

Bryan (my crush): *mocking me* So I just used the piano.

Me: Oh f*** off! No one was talking to you!

Bryan: But I was talking to you! Can you listen to my music?

Me: Nah it probably sounds like shit anyway.

Bryan: ........



Morgan: I'll listen to your music, I promise I won't say anything mean about it. LIKE FAITH!

Me: Okay.

Morgan: *Listens to it* It sounds good. Maybe if you have a piano at home, you could use that. The piano on this app sounds a bit weird.

Faith: *Looks at us*

Morgan: What are you looking at? Listen to your own music!

I love orchestra class!

Next week in art class.........we're writing manga.

Let's see how many stories I can get out of that!


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