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Let's begin!

1. I think it's sounds really fun!

2. It's better than becoming a doctor, that parents want me to be -_-

Seriously, being a doctor sounds boring as hell AND IT'S SOOOO MUCH STUDYING and 11 years of medical school. Who the hell has time for that.

3. I like drawing.

4. I already have 10 ideas for cartoons

One of them is based off my book "Dazzle! Emissaries of Diamonds"

And the other 9 are just different versions of Dazzle EOD

5. I think animation is really interesting.

6. I want to make cartoons that are actually......ya know........good.

Cartoons these days SUCK. Awful writing. I will admit, my writing in Dazzle EOD is not very good. But I'm still learning. I'm still taking ELA class that will teach me to be a stronger writer.

7. I like to entertain people.

I'm trying to make Dazzle EOD not too serious/boring and not too silly/petty. I'm keeping a balance of both, which creates a great cartoon.

I wanted to make a whole web series of Dazzle EOD. I have the equipment to do that now. But I don't have the time or efffort. Maybe sometime in summer break when I'm off school, I might start doing it, but I don't even have the efforts to continue writing my book. Heck, I don't even have voice actors to play characters. And I can only do two accents. A british one and an american one (My actual accent)

Hopefully, I can become a cartoonist.


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