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Now this isn't really news I just decided this all by myself I really haven't asked my parents or anyone.

What I mean by a career I mean I'm not going to pitch my show to Nickelodeon now obviously because I'm like 12 XD.

But what I will do is that right now I'm working on a comic book series based off my OCs.

And I've heard you can publish a book at any age 😏

So hopefully this might work out cuz I have to ask my parents and everything they'll probably say yes will probably say no most likely possibly a no.

The reason I it want to start off as a comic book because animation is hard you got to get a group of people to do that and that's going to be hard because I'm 12 I don't really have a lot of power but if it's just me with a pencil and piece of paper and my drawing skills and my writing skills and I'm pretty sure I can get things done all on my own.

Obviously I can't publish it right away I got to show it to my friends and make sure that they think it's a pretty good book cuz it's nice to get other people's okay.

And comic books are pretty easy to pay attention to. Not like regular books that are snooze fests.

So yeah that's all I wanted to say.


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