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Okay so...........where do I even fucking start?

Back in 2017 my "friends" were actually my friends. They talked to me, they hung out with me and everything. But now, they just ignore me. I don't even know why I still sit with them at lunch. So my "friends" are BFF #1, BFF #2 and BFF #3. (Not they're real names, but I'm pretty sure I've mentioned them)

Okay number one.

BFF #1 is a jerk.

BFF #2 is mean.

BFF #3 is the definition of a mary sue, goody two shoes.

How is BFF #1 a jerk?

Well he crushed my dreams of meeting Noah Jupe and becoming an actress. He can never take my side of a fight I've been in, and always find a way to defend the other person (Even tho I'm always right *flips hair*)

Like one time (Here is dialouge)

BFF #2: She's is mad at me.

BFF #1: Of course she is, it's probably over something stupid as usual.

Me: *in head* You don't even know what it is, how can you call it stupid already. I'm not that predictable.


Plus, he doesn't walk home with me anymore, for unexplained reasons.

So yeah wraps up BFF #1

BFF #2 is easy to get mad at, she can never realize that JOKES CAN GO TOO FAR! Has she got no concern for her friend's feelings. Or is it that I'm just too sensitive?

Here are examples.

*On the day of our zoo trip*

*Ditches me on bus*

Me: *Looks at phone with sunglasses on trying not to cry*

BFF #2: Hey Prudence!

Me: .......

BFF #2: Hey!

Me: ........

BFF #2: Are you mad at me?

Me: *in head* what do you think?

Another example.

BFF #2: *bragging* So me and BFF #3 are going to hershey park far our performances!

Me: And?



(I wanted to go on that trip so bad, but I couldn't :(

Also BFF #2 can be very rude. Example:

Me: *eating chips, not realizing that I'm chewing too loud*


Me: Yeah *Purposely chews chips very loud to annoy her*


BFF #3: *Covers BFF #2's ears*

Me: Well you asked.

Alright I will admit that this was kinda my fault, but she was in the wrong too, there are nicer ways to tell people to stop chewing loud, I wasn't even chewing that loud to begin with. She was being overdramatic.

Okay LAST but LEAST (Yeah I meant to say, BUT LEAST) BFF #3. She has to be my least favorite. Number one: She's not even my friend, I don't even like her, but BFF #1 and #2 like her, so I guess I have to friends with her too, cuz she sits with us at lunch -_-. Number two: She's a goody two shoes


BFF #2: Well it looks like the principal forgot we were supposed to have assigned seats at lunch today.

BFF #3: Should I remind him? *Stands up*

Me, #1 and #2: NO!!!!!!!


Number three: She's always sucking up to BFF #2, It's like she's in love with her or something. It's not cute, it's disgusting.

Number four: She was smart with me.........

Me: When do our innerums come out?

BFF #1: Not sure.

BFF #3: Innerums? What are innerums? You mean intrams?

Me: Shut up.



BFF #3: Well you're mad at BFF #2 and #1. Are you mad at me?

BFF #1: How could anyone be mad at BFF#3? She's too perfect.

BFF #2: That's why she's my best friend.

Me: -_- Why do I hang out with you guys, again?

To wrap it all up, my friends are FAKE! When I try to talk to them, they don't listen. And when they do, they just talk about how stupid I am. THEY EVEN ADMIT IT!

BFF #1: When ever we talk about Prudence, it's always just to talk about how stupid she is.

BFF #2: Agreed.

So "friends", if you're reading this, try to be better friends, cuz you are a lot nicer than what I witnessed in the past few months. Also, I just realized, we started getting into a lot more fights ever since BFF #3 joined our table.........not saying you should kick her out, but uhhh.............


You were right, I do have terrible friends.

Bye. 😤

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