Chapter 2

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When we got home, I'll admit I went a little crazy.

I had bolted straight up to my room, as always, and tipped my schoolbag out onto the floor, dropping a pencil case, a few exercise books, and my homework diary. I made sure I didn't allow my book, Lemonade Mouth, fall, as it is my favourite, and I don't want to damage it. Then, I started kicking the books and pencil case around, ripping the pages with my feet, taking out my anger.

After a short while, I calmed, flopped down onto my bed, and read the next few chapters in my book. Then, now I am thinking straight again, I know I'm not making a spur of the moment decision - it's something I've been thinking about for years. I've just never had the guts to do it before.

I stand up, and place my book back into my bag. Then, I open my wardrobe and pull out all of my clothes (except my school uniform), and leave one outfit out. Now, I dash into the bathroom, though my parents were downstairs, and took the tube of toothpaste and my toothbrush. Back in my bedroom, I take my hairbrush and stuff it into the bag. It's full now, I won't be able to stuff anything else in there, so I run down to the kitchen, praying it's empty.

It is. I open the cupboard under the sink and tear out a black bin bag. Then, I pull the fridge open, as quickly yet quietly as possible, and pull out an almost-empty 2 litre bottle of Pepsi Cola and take it, along with the empty bin bag, back upstairs. If my parents see me, I'm screwed, but luckily they don't.

When I get upstairs, I go into the bathroom and pour the Pepsi into the sink before filling it up with water. Then, I put the lid on the bottle and put it into the bag before going into my bedroom again.

I'll have to leave at night, when my parents are sleeping. They'll come up in at ten to check I go to sleep, and they'll fight, and then they'll go to bed.

And then I'll go.

I know it won't be easy. I know I'll have other problems to face.

But I'll finally be free.

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