Nothing to gain, Nothing to lose

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"Doctor! He is gone!" Smile called out as he entered the hospital room to find out that Kay is gone. "SOMEONE HELP ME LOOK FOR HIM!" Smile rushed, running around the room, glancing outside the window and running around the entire hospital building just to find out that Kay is gone. 

After 5 hours of wandering around the hospital area, Smile gave up and sat down on parts of a broken wall. 'Where could he wandered off to, did the Sun leaders order their soldiers to kidnap him, or did he just run off', all this questions running in Smiles mind as he tries to catch his breath. He glanced down at his hands, which are covered from the dirt and dust of the broken concrete he was moving around while running around the destroyed battlefield. 

"KAY!" he called out with a raspy and tired voice, hoping for some response- nothing. Just like in the beginning, nothing. Kay was in coma for over a month and all of the sudden his body is missing. This sure did piss of Smile to the point he was ready to kill anyone just to find Kay. 

If Kay dies, Smile is going back to being a regular ghost- wandering around the world to find its next host. Don't get the wrong idea, Smile loved Kay as a friend. They went through hell (literally) and heaven (again, literally). At first it was interesting since Kay and Smile were portraited as twins because their outside look was so similar that people just naturally assumed that they were twins but in reality they don't have any family connections. As people believe, there are 7 copies that look exactly like you. 

Smile ruffled his hair before standing up and taking another look around to see if something changed, noticing no changes he started making his way back to the base. 

Kay was a military advisor, his position was refreshing since the last person declared wiping out entirely the sun clan but since Kay got into position, there were rumors of ending this war by making peace.

Smile kept walking till he heard footsteps coming from the buildings surrounding him, ' don't mess with a demon, buddy' Smile marked to himself, after walking another couple steps he stopped and listened. The footsteps on top stopped as well- "who are you and what are your business here? this is a restricted area to citizens" Smile called out, not looking back to face the shadow following him. "I know." the figure said while dropping down, no sound of pain from dropping down from a three stories building- 'interesting'. Smile finally looked back and was met with a fist coming towards his direction, after more than 200 years of training, preventing the fist from smashing into his face was no problem. "You just made a wrong decision" Smile smirked and pinned down the hooded figure, "now.. let's see who's hiding behind that hooded mask" Smile reached forward to take the mask off but before he managed to reach forward to it, the figure head bumped smile and escaped his grip. 

"This is non of your business. Now, provide me with some explaining of where the moon base is. I have a message to deliver from the underworld." Smile got up and looked at the figure, "If I may ask, who is the message for?" Smile asked, interested. "Kay Tomio" the figure called out. 

"well this is your lucky day, you can go back. Kay is missing." Smile waved him off and started walking back towards the base direction. "Sir you do not understand, the message if from Aria- the princess of ___". Smile stopped and with a quick turn, he started walking towards the hooded figure. "Aria you say? hmm.. do you know who I am?" Smile asked, surely enough he expected the figure to notice that he is Arias husband but the answer surprised him "no sir". 

Smile let out a chuckle, " I am Smile, Her husband" he simply answered. The hooded figure took a second to process the guy standing in from of him and instantly bowed down and started apologizing for the inconvenience. "It's okay friend, just tell me what message she ordered for you to deliver" Smile asked, signaling the figure that it can stand up. "Oh right, Aria sent me to make sure that Kay is doing okay, weirdly enough she didn't say anything about you sir." The figure said as he revealed his face- a guy with silver hair and two different colored eyes. 

"She probably could sense my well being, Kay on the other hand is not a demon so it is more difficult for her to sense him" Smile explained. "After realizing the answer he gave the guy when he asked to see Kay made him regret saying that Kay is missing. "Listen friend, I know you want to inform the princess of the situation but can you please consider leaving out the details about Kay missing. Just tell her you met me and I made sure that everything is under control." Smile said with a pleading smile, hoping that the guy will understand Smiles intention by lying. The guy looked at Smile confused and suddenly remembered the second part of the message- "Aria also claimed her arrival to the moon base another couple days to make sure that my information is true" the guy said with a concerned voice, "I am afraid I cannot hide the truth from her." The guy added and avoided looking Smile in the eyes. "Very well.. nothing to gain, nothing to lose I am sure." Smile answered and looked down before giving his final statement. " I would very much appreciate if you inform Aria that we are under attack and Kay indeed suffered some injuries, Just avoid going on about Kay not being around" Smile answered the guy, the guy nodded and started making his way back to the portal leading to the underworld. Smile sighed and rubbed his temples.

"This is surely going to be hard to explain later." Smile gave another sigh and continued making his way back to the base with one thing in mind- 'where the heck are you Kay?'.  

Back at the base, I was looking around for my teammates in order to discuss our plan to split up and look for Kay. We all knew that if we do not find him by the time another 4 teams join our base, there will be someone that will take over the advisor role and probably cause a chaos regarding the circumstances between the two clans. 'Fuck, this is really bad. First we lost Kay after he fell into coma and now I also had to lie to one of the only people I actually care in this universe. This is getting worse by every minute'- Smile being too lost in his thoughts didn't notice one of the teammates waving for him to come over, so when he reached him to check if everything was alright, he was met with one of Smiles reflexes causing him to jump back and defend his face from getting punched. 

"Hey, what is the matter with you?!" Ace shouted in shock, Smile got out of the train of thought that consumed his mind at this moment- "uh, sorry. Yeah... so, what did you need?" Smile answered with a spaced out tone. Ace, being one of the mature guys obviously noticed Smiles state and turned to sit next to him, placing a hand on Smiles shoulder "hey.. we're going to get him before any fucked up douche replaces his place. For now, we do need a military advisor and I am pretty sure you'll do for the time being." Ace said, looking forward at the other teammates who were chatting and relaxing before stepping back into the battlefield. Some were just talking and sharing with each other, others were calling their loved ones and calming down their worries. Smile sighed and looked toward the gate of the base then back at Ace. "I bumped into a guy who were supposedly delivering a message to Kay," Smile paused and took a breather "The message was from Aria." Smile finished and faced Ace, Ace had the understanding expression- he now understood exactly what was bothering Smile. A message from a princess in the underworld could either mean something good or something bad- especially if she is your wife.

"You know.. I understand the whole ' oh we're demons so I can make sure you are okay at any time' thing, but honestly, a letter would be nice" Smile complained, Ace looked at him surprised for a second- he definitely did not expect this complaint to come out of Smiles mouth at this point. 

"What did she say?" Ace changed the direction of the conversation. "She's coming over, and there is no way for me to lie and avoid telling her that her husband is missing" Smile said with a very annoyed voice, he was never the guy to deal with these kinds of situations, all he ever did was kill or hurt. Smile was never into the whole 'emotional' problems- yes, he did have family conflicts but they were all sorted with him leaving the house with his little sister and the parents feeling guilty and making up after a short period of time. 

"Like I said to the guy... There is nothing to gain and nothing to lose. Kay missing is probably my fault in some degree." Smile sighed and got up, walking towards the other team members- starting to get ready to head back to the field. 

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