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Finally, after couple days - the love of his life arrived. He is excited but guilt and anxiety is building inside his throat 'How do I explain this situation...' he kept asking himself- he never felt something like that, this anxiety is new to him. 

Smile stepped outside the military base and walked towards the opening gate, to see his wife and couple demon guards standing near her, as a joke and to lighten his anxiety he bowed down as a joke- paying respect to the "queen". She smiled gently and mentioned for him to stand up, he did as she said and walked towards her- getting closer and planting a gentle kiss on her soft cheek. "I missed you.." she said softly, dismissing her guards as she holds her lovers hand- he smiled and at this point his anxiety started building up even more 'what do I do? fuck.' he kept repeating this sentence over and over as if his mind was having a difficult time to focus on something else. 

"Well.. Where is my other love?" shit. He felt his hands start to tremble a bit, his lips and throat feel like they're getting dry with every second and his voice is giving out- she asked. 

Smile gently grabbed her hand and started walking towards the base door- leading her into his quiet and empty room, making sure there won't be a scene and no reason for anyone to step in. "Sit down" he said as he entered the room, letting go of her hand and turning around to lock the door- just in case. She was taken aback by his voice and followed his command- "well?" she asked, He sighed and ran his hand across his messy and sweaty hair, staring everywhere but her eyes. After a minute which felt like forever he started talking - "Kay... got hurt in one of the exploration missions and fell into a come" he paused and looked at her, looking for any reaction- her eyes showed worry and she slightly got to the edge of the uncomfortable bed, waiting for any other word to come out of his mouth. He took in a deep breath and started pacing, trying to calm his nerves- "He is gone, missing" and with that he finished his sentence and stopped pacing and stopped right in front of her, looking down at her. She looked down and got up suddenly- grabbing onto the collar of his shirt with tears in her eyes 'shit, she is upset' smile started chewing the inside of his cheek to somehow stay calm and not panic. "What do you mean gone?!" She suddenly burst out, hitting him on the chest and repeating the question- Smile didn't know what to do so he just let her hit him, curse him and cry her eyes out- just so she will calm down a bit. 

After what seems like a while, she finally stopped asking, hitting and crying- she just stared around the room with a blank expression. Nothing felt right, nothing felt safe. She slowly sat back down on the bed and gave out a sigh of defeat. 

She looked up at Smile and wiped the remaining tears on her cheek, "did he take him away?" she suddenly asked. Smile was caught off guard with her sudden question and gave a confused expression, "who's he?" he asked , curious about what she meant by that. "You know, death, the grim reaper" she said with a shaking voice, she was holding back another breakdown at this point but Smile just took a seat near her and held her hand, trying to comfort her "No.. he just went missing, he was lying in coma inside the hospitality section of our base, I went out for a moment to address Kay's absence for the next fight because of his condition and when I came back he was just... gone. No sign of him leaving himself though- in his condition, he would've stumbled around the room and dropped couple of things, knowing him." Smile answered. 

She looked down and intervened her fingers with his and placed her hand on top of his and gave him an apologetic look, he sighed and smiled slightly "it's okay, don't be sorry, you have every right to be mad and upset" he said and fixed the strand of hair in front of her eye behind her ear and placed a gentle kiss on her lips- having the relief of telling and not hiding this and letting it eat him from the inside. 

She leaned her head against Smile's shoulder and suddenly spoke "We have to find him", she said- Smile sighed "We already started looking around the base, he couldn't have gone so far from the base but we haven't seen any signs of anyone else who could've helped us to find him or himself around the area" he said in defeat. She hummed a bit "I can send some of my military people to help you look for him while you're dealing with the actual war that is going on" she spoke softly, trying to remain her thoughts intact. 

"That could help a lot love.." he said, tensing slightly with the loud knock on the door, he got up- looked at Aria to make sure she is okay with letting people in, she nodded and he walked towards the door, unlocking it. "What happ-" his words got caught by one of the new soldiers- Andy. "Smile." he said with a harsh tone, smile looked at him confused- "We found his location". 

Oh boy, this is a mess. Hey guys, so a little note update, I am trying my best to keep the story board going but it is hard to update full chapters every like- week or so because I am just so out of motivation but once I sit down or read a good fan-fiction, I am just full of ideas so stay tuned for more.

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