My biggest and naughtiest night in newyork

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I have written 2 books on wattpad but with 2 different accounts !.. Unfortunately, I could not complete any of the book !. But I can complete this book if you"ll help me and you"ll can help me with your love and support !!...



  "Hey Amy ! Would you like to be a part of our porn photo shoot ? asked  the greatest *** show stopper Jessika James


"PORN PHOTO SHOOT??" Was I hearing it correctly ?" I was freezed for a minute still in the shock that I was selected for such kind of photo shoot !..

The first thing that came to mind was my mom !

I mean what if she dis owns me? OR break all ties with me ?

I mean I am ready to do anything for money !... All I need is money !

MONEY MY LOVE MY LIFE !... I started singing loudly  ..... .

Amy ! Jergins ! Grow up ... it's a dream , A bad one ....

"Yea it was a dream ! I replied.

ww wwwait!... who the heck are you and why the heck you were sleeping beside me ?"

"Amy Jergins ! What's wrong with you !... You forgot me?? The guy with whom u slept yesterday night and the worst part is your going to newyork in a week!

"Yaah I forgot , Ricky I know its very difficult to remember the total number of girls you slept with ," I replied Sarcastically.

Ricky James ! The hottest guy of highschool and every girl's secret crush ,

That's a simple high school story !..

Well , my highschool has its own story , own personality !

Ricky James ! The guy who every girl wants to sleep with


It was just popularity !..

Ricky gives 50 bucks to each girl to spend a night and a whole week with him!!

Isin't that funny ! I mean Ricky can do anything for popularity !  ......

I was one of the girls ....... I know its kinda dumb but I was forced to and to tell you I CAN DO ANY THING FOR MONEY - Even cross my bloody limits !

"Whatever ! I'm going to take a shower , I"ll call you when I"ll get in mood ,announced Ricky with a wicked smile on this hot face :-)

Yea , announced ! Coz Ricky does not ask or tell but he ANNOUNCES !....

He want's all the things to go the way he wants ! But that's never ever gonna be possible .

But y did he announce that he's gonna let me inside in a shower??

There were lots of questions running in my mind out of nervousness and curiosity.......


As I told u before that you"all can help me by your love and support !

What I actually want is the most number of ppl to read it !...

N 1 more thing I request kids below the age of 11 years should not read this book coz there's kinda adult stuff in this book :-)

                          CHAPTER 1

"Well , what is this hottie up to ? I was confused and not even bothered to look what I was wearing but then .......  I stared myself in the mirror and here I was wearing a strapless Bra - which could come out any minute !....

My biggest and naughtiest night in newyorkWhere stories live. Discover now