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It was 6 'o' clock am in the morning , I still was raped in a towel..........

That day was so embarrassing , tears wept from my years ,I was unkept but still I din't give up !

"How can I forgive such people ? Who just used me ? Why only me ? They could ask someone else to do to it ! Questions were gushing in my mind as if water from tap would gush out ! Ohh know really the tap water was left open and it was falling on my body !.....

"Ohh know ! Now what kind of new problem is this :-( , I was so irritated and frustrated .

My whole towel was wet but that's all I had to wear ! Some parts of my body were easily visible - I couldn't help it !...

"People outside were making a lot of noise ..."Ohh shit ! Auditions are still left . I rushed towards that place .

Jake and his friends were staring at me as if I had murdered one of them ;= ( But.... I was bold enough to give them a wicked smile and totally ignore them ...

"Boys and girls we have an important announcement ..... The flights are today and if we select all the groups its gonna take ages so no 1 will get to go to Newyork ! and so we"ff decided to take only Jake's group ....

"This is injustice ! Just because Jake is yr nephew your selecting him ! a girl with the purple push up bra protested

"Uh huh , look who's protesting ! A word more , I"all cancel your passport forever !... Everyone were silent , there was pin-drop silence ......  

"Ohhk so 8 off you"all make yr way to new York " Swetlana said in a excited tone!!

"I was so amazed and excited , I mean first time there was something correct happening in my life :-) After so many tradegies  I finally achieved it !

"Alright , now the the 7 boyz and Amy jergins get ready for yr flight ......

And to tell to every1 was behaving nicely to me ;-) .... that made me feel even much much better ......!!!!

Swetlana took me to her fashion library and made me wear her pink short jump suit , my lips were glossed with cherry lip gloss and first time my bust was in control *.*

"Hey Amy get into the car , Jacob called me . Whu hu ! yea I answered !...

There were 2 cars going to the air port .

In my car ,there were 3 boys !...

It was an open car so it sounded like more fun. Jake's  friend was driving the car .... As I sat , Jake came and sat next to me !..... Okay , that's awesome I scream in my mind with a slight blush -.-

"Man this is not opening , said Jake while opening the bonnet of the car ..... Jake help ma please ...

"Its to the left ! , Jake answered ....

"No man ! its not opening , come here and help me .

"Uggghhhh okay , Jake went and started opening the bonnet . As soon as Jake started , Jacob came and sat next to me !....Ohh my my ! that's even more awesome coz this one is even MORE Naughty ;-) ... I had completely forgot about the incident that had happened yesterday !


Hey people ,I hope you "all liked it so what say ? Who's better Jake or jacob ??? Well don't worry you "ll come to no in yr next part :-)

My biggest and naughtiest night in newyorkUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum