Are balls life?

822 31 12

CamEEla CabeYo 🙊: Is anyone awake??

Normonster 👾: Wth is wrong with you? It's 3am for God's sake!

Finah Jane🙊❗️: Oh hell naw, Chancho. I'm trying to sleep you know.

CamEEla CabeYo 🙊: 1) I didn't tell you to wake up. 2) I have a serious question and explanation.

Lauser 🙄🖕🏼: Looks like I'm up now. What do you want to know???

CamEEla CabeYo🙊: Balls create sperm right?

Lauser 🙄🖕🏼: I don't like the feeling of this, but yes.

CamEEla CabeYo 🙊: So are balls basically life? Like men create life, while the women carries it, like an oven. Humans create the food and put it in an oven, and the oven heats it up.

Normonster 👾: Damn we didn't need a whole paragraph but yeah you could look at it that way.

Lauser 🙄🖕🏼: If you knew this, why did you ask???? You have Siri to keep you company, why not use it?

Finah Jane🙊❗️: Ughhhh I wasted my beauty sleep just for this shit, Chancho I'm coming for you in the morning.

Normonster 👾: Yesss. I finally get to  witness another Poly beat down! But Dinah, you're beautiful just the way you are. You don't need beauty sleep.

Finah Jane🙊❗️: Awww babe you are too sweet ❤️

CamEEla CabeYo 🙊: Yay I finally made a ship sail #norminah!!!

Lauser 🙄🖕🏼: Camz I claim to be the captain!!

CamEEla CabeYo 🙊: What?? Why, I made it 🖕🏼 back off!!!!!

Lauser 🙄🖕🏼: Correction. Technically Dinah and Normani created it, because they're in the ship. Wait a sec, where's Ally?

CamEEla CabeYo 🙊: What happened Ms.Grammar queen? Sec???

Lauser 🙄🖕🏼: Stfu Camila *second, you feel better? Or should I say Camilla??

CamEEla: You know what, how did this convo start? All I did was ask a question, then explain it. Ugh, never mind I gotta enjoy my last day alive before Dinah can get to me.

Allysus💦📖✝️: Here's my website link for free bibles and holy water:
May you kids be blessed one day. Hopefully my work is at least 40% effective. You all are sinners.

Lauser 🙄🖕🏼: Fuck off Ally we're trying to sleep after an hour of questions and debating.

Allysus💦 📖✝️: omg a demon!!! MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT COMPELL YOU!!! *Inserts a bible to be thrown at you*

Lauser 🙄🖕🏼: You know what Ally, just good night 😴

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