Hell to the no for gym

312 10 3

Normani: Ladies! Attention is needed as of right now.

Ally: what's up?

Normani: okay we got one person listening where are the others?

Camila: Here!

Normani: where were you?

Camila [faces Normani with banana-stuffed mouth]: ......

Normani: 🙄

Normani: Anyways where's Laurinah?

Laurinah [runs]: ugh we're here 😓

Ally: So what were you going to say, Mani?

Normani: well we've been slacking lately so we'll be going to the gym! Doesn't that sound fun?

Ally: .....

Camila [grabbing another banana]: ...I'm eating food so idk what you're trying to say

Dinah [rolls her eyes]: for real?? Come on! I mean Lauren and I just ran all the way from across the hall to come here. Isn't that enough?

Normani: Nope

Dinah: I do at least 300 eye rolls per day that's enough exercise for me

Lauren: I really don't give a fuck about the gym!

Normani: does it look like I give a fuck whether you give a fuck?

Lauren: Well if we're gonna put it that way, let's put it this wa-

Ally: Stop. Please just stop! You guys are annoying. No we're not going to the gym.

Normani: and why not?

4/5 girls: you know how much work it take to get up, walk to the car, drive, walk to whatever machine, and watch shirtless men work out?

Normani [thinks to herself]: some lazy people I got laying around the house.

Normani: I'll let it slide for now, only because y'all too annoying with all this complaining. I'm leaving.

Dinah: Bye babe, don't have too much fun without me!

Normani: 👋🏾

Camila: finally she's out of the house. some alone time, right?

Lauren: right

Ally: I mean what's up with her complaining and all?

Dinah: my baby is really a baby

Camila: *yawns* all this talking and eating got me tired.

Lauren: looking gorgeous all day got me worn out.

Dinah: ikr I sit all day looking flawless without trying. I found a new way to earn a living!

Ally: *mumbling* considering all the other times you got fired, this might be your only chance

Dinah: whatcha say?

Ally: um nothing. just that I wish you all a good night

Dinah: oh ok. good night then

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