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Zed's POV:

As I looked down at the paper, I couldn't believe my eyes! It said the new student was half zombie, half human? 

"How do you know this is legit?" I asked Eliza, suspicious.

She scoffed. "Because, I downloaded the file on my computer and printed it out from the school website! I don't see how that makes it not legit!"

"Well, that's bad." Addison was freaking out. "We'll have to figure out how in the world this person exists, and what they are doing at our school. And on top of all that, I have cheer tryouts again, since we convinced Bucky to let zombies tryout for the squad. Of course, there is still-"

"It's fine, Addison. We can only do so much." I tried to comfort her. 

"You're right. I guess we should just see what happens at school, and hopefully it'll be fine." She didn't sound convinced.


The next day, at school, we met the new kid. Turns out, her name is Skylar Grey. (Sorry, I just love Glorious!) Addison, Eliza, Bonzo, and I were giving her a tour of the school.

"Hi, I'm Skylar." she says.

"Hey, I'm Zed, this is Addison, Eliza, and Bonzo." I said, pointing to each one.

"Hey." she waved. 

Addison shook her hand. "There is cheer auditions tomorrow at 11am. You might be good at that."


Oh my god, I got so many views in one night. I almost cried. Thank you so much, you guys! I love you all so much. Don't forget to follow me, vote, and especially comment. Byyyyyeeeeeeee.

Z-O-M-B-I-E-S: Zoms and Poms Unite! DISCONTINUEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora