Somedays, I just want to give up.

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Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!
I woke with a start, still shaking from the dream I'd had. the dream that had really happened. I wanted to scream, but over the years, I had learned screaming would only earn me a few harsh kicks. 

My tiny 4'5" form still trembling, I turned on my side to make the stupid alarm on my phone to shut the fuck up. I passed April's room in the hallway on the way to the bathroom, the "Stay the fuck out of here you stupid whore" sign hung ominously on her door.

April is the woman who's supposed to be fostering me. She's usually already up and calling me a "midget whore" by now. I don't hear her snoring either, so I figured she stayed at a friend's house after the party she went to last night. Hopefully she dies of a drug overdose.

Without a second thought, I get dressed, brush my hair, and do everthing else I need to do in order to get ready for school. I step outside, the cold november air hitting me in the face as I hurry to the subway station.

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