Fallout boy and an edgy tan girl

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I recall the strange tiangle mark on my shoulder. I've had it as long as I can remember, and it's always fascinated me. I take off my pink jacket, unbutton my shirt slightly.

Still in front of the mirror, I gaze down at the small, red mark. I hear footsteps, and some one steps into the bathroom. She has sightly tanned skin, long, chalk white hair wich she wears in a braid, and a scar over her left eye. I find her very...attractive.

She's wearing only a dark blue shirt, no jacket, and black jeans. She's tall too, probably around 5'6", more than a foot taller than me. She has these vivid red eyes, I didn't even know it was possible to have red eyes, besides in anime.

I realise I'm blushing. Shit. She stares at me. Shit. "Uh, hi..." I stammer. Shit. She doesn't say anything, just walks into a stall and shuts the door. I notice how weird I must have looked, my hand in my unbuttoned shirt. Shit. Why did my awkwardness have to screw everything up?

The bell rings.

As I step into mr.Ghirahim's classroom, I sit between Sidon and Midna, two of the only few people in the world who don't find me utterly repulsive.

Midna turns to me, pulling her ginger hair back with a black head band to keep it from falling in her face.

"So, anything new in your neck of the woods, since we last talked that long monday ago?" She asked in an exaggerated tone. It was only Tuesday.

"No, nothing much, I've just gotten a little gayer than usual." I reply.

"Oooh what's her name?" Sidon asks, a smirk on his face.

I mentally facepalm at my stupidity.

"Is it someone we know?" Midna asked also grinning.

Damn it, why am I so stupid?

"N-no I was just kidding." I cover for myself.

I can tell they aren't convinced, but they move onto other conversation topics. After all, who wants to hear about my boring life, much less my love life? My thoughts waver back to the white-haired girl again, but I try and force myself to not think about her.

"My moms got me fallout boy's new album. My moms are great, I love them so much." Midna explains exitedly.

From what I understand, Midna was adopted by two lesbian gerudo when she was six. Pretty cool. I really wish I had a parent.

Link runs into class, and sits in front of me. The late bell rings.

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