Shock (draft)

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Zelda's POV
"Hi." Link addresses me.

"Hey." I casually reply back.

Mr. Ghirahim walks into class, and my gaydar starts pinging uncontrollably. He stands infront of the class, hands on his fabulous hips. The door opens, and in walks the white-haired girl from earlier.

"Today, class, we have a new student. I would like you all to give a warm welcome to...Don't be shy dear, introduce yourself!"

He says, arm around her. She turns her gaze towards us all.

"I am Impa kenine." She declares with great nobility, as though she were a knight, piercing red gaze showing no emotion.

"Why don't you take a seat, darling?" Mr. Ghirahim asks.

Impa walks between two rows of desks, taking a seat behind Midna.

"Yo, Imps!" Midna greets her. "You get a schedule change?"

Schedule change?  Impa wasn't new to the school?

"Wait, you aren't new here?" I voice my question.

"Nope." Midna answers for Impa. "She's been going here since the beginning off sixth grade. She's...never been much of a talker. You really need to pay more attention, Zel."

Impa continues to silently stare straight ahead. Midna and Sidon chat. I catch a bit of Mr. Ghirahim's monotone rambling about ancient history.

"...And then, there was queen Zelda of the gerudo. She proved to be a wise and powerful leader. Unlike the other women of royalty with the name Zelda, she was adopted at six years old, along with her two siblings, by the then gerudo king, Ganondorf, her predecessor. Now, an interesting little tidbit about male gerudo, they can't
biologically produce children. Male gerudo are quite a rare phenomenon, similar to male tortoiseshells and calicos. Instead of having an XY chromosome as most males, the have an XXY, just like a male calico or tortoiseshell..." He continues on.

Most people considered Mr. Ghirahim's lectures to be excruciatingly boring, but I actually find them quite interesting. I've always been interested in ancient history, fueled by the fact that my name was shared by several hyrulean queens and princesses. I also find it interesting that male gerudo can't reproduce due to an extra chromosome. Mr. Ghirahim's rant continues to the end of class.

Author's note: hey guys, I know I said this story is discontinued, and it is, but I figured why not post the far beyond complete draft of chapter six I stopped writing months ago? I am working on another Zelda fic on this account, so I'd appreciate it if you guys would go check it out. It's called "Warriors of The Eternal Sand" And I've already posted the first few chapters.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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