A very unusual subway ride

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I step onto the subway, wondering if I can still get a seat since I'm a bit later than usual. I see an opening next to a blond haired boy in a green beanie. I've seen him before, we have a few classes together, I think, but I don't remember his name. Without second thought, I sit down.

My attention is automatically drawn to the man beside him. He has to be AT LEAST 8 feet tall. He has a long, wild looking mane of red hair that comes down almost to his waist, and is very muscular. I realize, from his hight and long red hair, he must be a male gerudo.

I suddenly notice how rude I must look staring at him like that, and I awkwardly snap my head away. I hear poorly suppressed laughter coming from the boy next to me and the male gerudo. I notice a small,(yet still taller than me) blonde-haired girl on the other side of the male gerudo looking up from her 3ds and giggling.

I feel the heat climbing in my face and I think I might die of embarrassment. I adjust my glasses. Shit. I fucked up for the millionth time in my 12-year-old life. I'm such a stupid whore.

"Its okay, he's used to the stares." The boy beside me says in a reassuring tone.

"Yeah kiddo, your fine." The male gerudo replies.

"Hey, I know you!" The blonde-haired boy suddenly realizes."we have a few classes together. Zelda, right? I'm link. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you to." I reply, suprised my awkwardness had started up a coversation.

Link points to the male gerudo. "This is my dad. His name is Ganondorf, but you can just call him Ganondad or Gannon, if you want." Link continues. Ganondorf chuckles at this nickname.

"Hi there kid!"Ganondorf greets me. He taps the blonde-haired girl beside him, who looks to be about a year younger than me and Link. She looks farmiliar, perhaps I'd seen her on campus a few times. She'd probably be in 6th grade, a grade below Link and I, so it makes since.

"This is my daughter, Aryll." Ganondorf nods at the blonde haired girl as she puts her 3ds down in her lap. "Hi!" Aryll calls cheerfully. Maybe I didn't fuck up after all. Maybe I actually did something right for once.

"We have art class with Aryll, sadly." Link remarks. Art class! That was where I knew her from. "She's in 6th grade." He adds.

Aryll sticks her tounge out at him, and Link leans over and ruffles her hair. I smile, for the first time since I don't know when. So this is what it was like, to have siblings. Ganondorf chuckles at Aryll's angry face, before she starts giggling again. He pulls both of them into a hug. And what it's like to have a parent. My smile falters, and I feel like I might cry. Ganondorf seems to notice my distress.

"Hey, you alright, kid?" He asks, worriedly, looking down at me and my sad little face. I suddenly realize how small I must look, especially compared to him.
"Oh, I'm fine, I'm just really tiered." I lie. He frowns, clearly unconvinced.

"Oh, were here!" Link yells. I look out the window, and sure enough, we're at Kakariko middle school.

Link and Aryll get up. "Bye, dad!" They both yell in union.

"Bye Link, bye Aryll! Have a nice day! You to, Zelda." He says with a final glance at me.

I walk away, surprised, and feeling stupid for not responding.

Little did I know what fate had in store for me that day.

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