A new fact about a new friend

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As we stride over to the front of our school, I begin to notice something about Aryll. I didn't notice it on the subway, since we were sitting down, but now that I see her walking, I realize there must be something wrong with her left leg.

It looks fine on the outside, but she's limping, and sort of dragging her left leg behind her. It doesn't seem to bother her, though. Her face is as bright as ever, clear blue eyes shining. I figure whatever happened to her leg must have happened a pretty long time ago, long enough for her to get used to it and adapt to her new way of walking.

We make it over to the courtyard in front of the school, where we have to wait before school starts.

"I have to use the restroom." I state, as an excuse to get away from everyone and think about last night's dream.

"Okay, see you first period!" Link calls to me as I leave.

"I'll see you again 4th period!" Aryll adds.

I walk into the bathroom, and stare into the mirror.

I think back to my dream. Not the dream my alarm woke me up from. No, I wish I could forget that one. The one I woke up from at around 4:00. There was a dark cloud surounding all of hyrule, and then there were these three golden triangles, the only source of light.

Those triangles. I think I've seen them before, I just can't remember where.

A thin, red, cut on my forhead catches my eye. Last night, before April went off to do crystal meth with her friends, she told me to wash the dishes. Before she left, she'd noticed I had forgot to wash a glass, so she threw it at me. It wasn't a direct hit, and it wasn't that serious, but it had hurt. I shiver at the memory.

Oh shit. I suddenly realize why Ganondorf had showed so much concern. He must have noticed my cut.

It's strange to me, since no adults have really seemed to care about me, besides my mother, all those years ago. Also suprising that he even acknowledged me, as most people seem to just pretend I don't exist.

I wish I had a foster parent like that, who actually cared about me, not just someone who uses me for money and a free slave, like April.

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