chapter one

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Song i was repeatedly listening to while writing ^^  leona lewis - run

Things are a little diffrent in this book, collage is free up to the age of 20 but after the age of 18 you can just get a full time job or a part time and collage. As its my book thats how im keeping it. Also this is a mature book due to some slightly more mature senes and swearing. Though ill try to put a warning before hand.
If this is anyway confusing just say so and ill try to clear it out thanks feel free to point out mistakes.

As Keith was sitting in his collage classroom, he was listening to his sports teacher chatter on about the body and its muscles. To him it was boring, he had only chosen sport so he could train and do something he liked, other wise he wouldn't of gone to collage at all and would of just got a full time job.

Some may be wondering, why not just go to the gym? Where keith lived it costs money to get into the gym and to get a year pass would cost alot or any other pass in general. He didn't have that type of money.

Keith was a foster child as a youngster as his parents had left him on the door step of some random person, -  who obviously didn't want him -  when he was only a child, life had always been a little hard with jumping from family to family. Who would want a rebelous kid? So when he had come of age he moved into a house with only little money, joined collage and only a part time job. So you can already tell everything's on the rough side.

But of being the age of 20, his course will soon cost him money which he didn't have, meaning he'd have to drop out and hopefully finally get a full time job if not hes fucked.

He came out of his mystic world when his name was called he looked uo from his desk to face his teacher Mr Anson who was clearly glaring at him from the front of the class room. "Mr Kogane care to explain what this is?" He asked as he raised a brow.

Keith shook his head with a sigh and frowned "have no idea sir" He answered loudly with a cross of his arns over his chest as he leaned back. Mr Anson huffed and puffed then glared at Keith before he turned to another student in hie class.

Keith droaned out again but soon came back to what was going on around him when he felt the tingling feeling he oh so loved on his hand once again. Watching the sketchy lines form on his hand, he wathed as it quickly turned into a pretty drawing of a flower. Then watched as letters and numbers formed on his hand just under.

'Matts new number again - (random number)'was swirled out in neat handwriting on his hand. Matt was his soulmates best friend from what he could tell by the words that sometimes form on his hand. This Matt guy had gotten five new phone numbers in the last month. Keith could easily message that number to finally know who his soulmate was but thought that would be invading her privacy and he didnt want her to have any reason for her to hate him. So he decided not to.

"Class dismisses" Mr Anson said as he waved his hand to the door with a huff, glaring at a couple of his students on the way out. Keith sighed as he walked out the class room, oulling his hoodie over his head, shoved his hands into his trouser pockets and digging his old smashes screened phone out and his black earbuds.

He shoved his phone back into his pocket and then shived both of his hands into his big hoodies middle pockets. Keith walked down the steeets to make it to his small and almost empty flat, when he got i to hid small flat he slammed the door shut with huff and whinced when a shouting from upstairs came and then a bark of loud, annoying dogs.  Dont get him wrong he loves animals but these dogs just drove him mad.

Keith slumped down on his old tattered sofa and leaned back, almost jumping uo when his phone blared with a friends ringtone. 'katie'or how she used to be palled pidge during high school she had now just started collage and was living with Shiro, Keiths almost brotherly like best friend.

"Hello" he grumbled through the phone as he looked down at his hand a wave of saddness washed over him when he noticed the drawing was off and would have to remind himself to say hello later on to his soulmate.

"My brother matts coming back after five years!" She squeaked through the phone, he could imagine her runnibg around the place and jumping in the sofa and beds with shiro earlier on yelling for her to stop before he gave up. Thats how Shiro was.

"Cool, wheres he going to stay though?" Keith replied through the phone with a flat tone, fiddling with the bottom of his hoodie in boredom.

"With me and Shiro, Shiro has been friends with him for a while suprised you havent met him. But hes cominh back fron America aparently he had made this really nice female friend called y/n but unfortunately due to her money problems couldn't join him. Shame she seemed so sweet through the phone" Katie Rambled on he could imagine her moving her hands all around the place while she was explaining.

Y/n the name made his hesrt flutter and skip a beat. Maybe this would be a way for him to start a converstation to see if Katies brother was his soulmates bestfriend.

"Thats so, anyway i have work tonight so ive got to go" keith muttered with a small bye and cut the call off.

Keith worked as a bartender during the night from 5pm to 12am it wanst fun but it gave good money. While the long shifts could count as a full time job it doesnt give the full amount of money a fukl time job would. Meaning keith had to always work extra nights but on the plus side all the drunks would give a load of tips.

Keith grabbed a pen from the table side and messily wrote a small hello on his hand, hoping his soulmate would see it. Not long after he got a neat swirled hello back with a how are you.

Keith couldn't help but let a smile curve up at his lips. He quickly squiggled a reply down 'good, friend told me a someone new will be living with her, anither person to annoy me haha, how have you been y/n?'he asked his messy hand writing was probably hard ti read and admired how easily she read and quickly replied to it.

'Im ok, got work soon, money hasnt been to good and doesnt help my best friend matt is leaving to live back with his sister again. Im happy he gets to see her through' y/n replied in small hand writing to fit onto the remaning space on their hands. Keitg quickly ran to his bathroom and washed tge ink of and then sat back down on the sofa.

'Matt? Does he have a sister called pidge/katie?' Keith asked, ge couldnt help it, he wanted to know if Katies brother matt was his soulmates best friend. He was hoping it was.

'Yeah, katie, she was called pidge during her high school time, how did you know?' Y/n replied. His heart skipped one simple sentence and they could be closer than ever even if they are miles apart.

'I know her, she lives with my best friend Shiro so were pretty close. Ive been ignoring these phone numbers you put on your hand for your own privacy but since ill actually know matt you wouldbt mid if i asked him to call you so we could speak through like face call or something would you?' Keith had to write really small and then roll uo his sleeve to keep the message going, he hoped she could read it and that she wouldn't mind.

After a minute or two the ink washed away and the tingling feeling came back. 'Sure, orry to cut this short but my shift starts soon talk to you another time hopefully through the phone xx'  y/n replied a full blown smile rose onto his lips as he unmanly squealed.

'Bye xx'

Soulmate keith x reader AU ✔Where stories live. Discover now