chapter four

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Song I've been listening to while writing this chapter ^^

Song - home by Gabrielle Aplin

Your phone blasted through your house, you let out a sigh as you realised the song that was playing.

"Your father and I have been expecting over 500 dollers, why havent we been given it?" Your mother spat out harshly through the phone.

"Hello to you too mother" you spat out as you got up from your bed and closed your bedroom door. "And to why you haven't got your money is because I simply dont have it" you hissed down the phone.

"Don't you dare speak to your mother like that!" Your father yelled down the phone and then heard your mother's voice once again.

"If we dont get it by the end of the week we will just take it from your account" she hissed once more. You felt anger boil up inside you as you once again spat down the phone harshly.

"You can't do that, you have no right!" You hissed and rubbed your head in annoyance knowing no matter what you said wouldn't work.

"We can and we will" your mother hissed before ending the call. You sat down on your bed in defeat and pinched the bridge of your nose.

You dialed a number I'm your phone and spoke with a stern voice "Hello, Yeah it's happening again there going to try and force take the money from my account" You said with your voice strong and stern not changing the tone in your voice.

You spoke to that person for a couple more minutes before ending the call and going to make lunch. It was a Saturday Amara didn't have school and you didn't have work until tommrow.

You had just made a small lunch for the both of you, you didn't have much food and needed to go shopping. You used your foot to open the door that was still slightly open and placed her lunch on the desk she was working on.

You sat down on her bed with your legs crossed and answered any questions she needed help with while she done her homework.

You heard your phone go of once again and couldn't help the smile that curved up on your lips as you answered the phone.

"Hey" you muttered with a small smile on your face. Keith couldn't help but feel conserned when he saw the black bags under your eyes and saw the sadness in your eyes.

"What's up?" He asked as he tilted his head to the side in worry. The worry could be seen all over his face that you couldn't help but let out a a small chuckle.

"Nothing parents being twats, thats all" you said forgetting Amara was there.

"Y/n! No bad words!" Amara yelled loudly with a small pout on her lips, when you nodded was the only time she smiled and got back to her small bits of homework.

"Is that Amara?" Keith asked and you nodded, Amara hearing her name turned towards you and made her way over and then packed on the phone, shoving her head in front of yours.

"Who's he?" Amara said as she pointed to the screen. You bit back a chuckle as you watched Keiths eyebrows raise and his mouth open slightly. Keith was slightly taken back at the slight case of rudeness in Amara's voice.

"Thats Keith, you shouldn't be rude" you answered and told her of for her slightly rude behaviour towards Keith.  She nodded with a pout and went back to do her work.

"Are you alright?" Keith asked with concern laced in his voice, you pinched the bridge of your nose and let out a sigh.

"Yeah, things have just been stressful but we should be fine again soon" you replied dropping your arm down and onto the bed, giving Keith a small smile.

"Hey!" You heard a loud voice come from your living room, you had recognised the voice to be Lance. You called out to him saying that you was in Amara's room.

Lance walked with his hands shoved into his pockets and his usuall smirk plastered onto his face. He sat down next to you on Amara's bed and threw his arm over your shoulder.

"Who you talkin' to?" He asked as he looked at your screen and frowned. "Oh, mullet. Why you speaking to him?" He asked with a small frown.

Keith frowned as he watched Lance throw his arm over your shoulder as he leaned again the bed headboard, then frowned even more when he complained why he was speaking to 'mullet.'

He just couldn't help but blurt out "Cause she's my soulmate you idiot! Also my name's Keith not mullet" Keith growled out, a blush rose to your cheeks as Keith smacked his hand over his mouth.

"Soul, soulmate?" Lance stuttered opening and closing his mouth like a fish. You couldnt help but giggle at the suprised look on Lances face but your blush didn't leave your cheeks.

"Why didn't you tell me!" Lance exclaimed out in fake hurt as he placed his hands on his heart and pushed himself away.

You let out a sigh and face palmed giving Keith a sorry look but let out a giggle as you saw that he had his cheeks pulled out as he let out small chuckles under his break.

"This shouldn't be so funny! Why's it so funny!?" He bursted out then chuckled even more. You shook your head, shrugged your shoulders and giggled.

"Anyway, bye Keith. Lance and I have something to talk about, talk to you soon" you said with a smile and blew a kiss, you watched as he blushed and muttered a small bye before ending the call.

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Also if you have the time cheak out MysticAnimeVoltron As she also has a Soulmate An and a new x reader ♡♡

Soulmate keith x reader AU ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя